21. Cool Name Pending

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Group 1

Alex Fawn and Nyx Exla

Hero: Arandir Exla

As soon as I saw my group's information, I couldn't imagine how this was done randomly. Ella should have definitely heard about my fight with Nyx during the combat class, and now she purposefully paired me with her. Even the hero we had to research was the worst one for Nyx. This was another level of craziness.

Arandir Exla was Nyx's great uncle, but he was banished from the elf race because of his involvement in the human war before the Heavenly Alliance was formed.

I looked at the group information of the trio around me and noticed that they were all paired with random extras. So the crazy elf was only messing with me. There was a possibility that she was also interested in Lucas, but to my relief, this wasn't the case. Lucas should be able to grow his strength in peace because a protagonist who isn't the strongest will just be a dead weight for me.

After the first day of class ended, I went directly to the infirmary. Freya already sent me a message about the completion of her task, so it should be easier to interact with the elf princess now.

Inside the infirmary, I could see several elves around one bed, and judging by the colour of their uniforms, they were second-year students. After noticing my presence, all the elves looked at me angrily. A tall, muscular elf boy who seemed like the leader of the group then approached me.

"Did you come here to beg for mercy? You seem to realize that there will be consequences to your acti...."

Before he could finish what he was saying, I interrupted him. I didn't have the patience to waste my time on useless extras.

"Erathan Cailu, a second-year student, ranked 19th. I know what you did during your midterm exams of your second semester last year."

The expression of the tall elf boy, Erathan Cailu, completely changed after my statement. Instead of an angry, intimidating face, he now had a shocked, worrisome face. It was understandable. I just told him that I knew his worst secret, and if the academy learned about it, he could be expelled.

"I don't know what he meant, but Erathan, you should stop threatening one of my classmates. Everyone leave. I need to speak to him alone."

Nyx, who was behind Erathan, couldn't see his expression, but she knew something was wrong, and before things escalated, she made the right decision to have everyone leave.

"I'm only here because we have to work together on our history assignment. I guess you already saw the notification on your tablet."

"Yes, I did, and some classmates already informed me that the paring and hero were chosen randomly. But what was the chance of us being together and my great uncle being the hero?"

"I wouldn't think too much about it if I were you. What's done is done. I know it's going to be uncomfortable researching your great uncle, so just tell me if you can't. I will do the research alone, and after completing it, I will just add your name to it."

"Don't worry about me. I may have fallen for your intimidation skill, but I'm not so weak that I wouldn't be able to do some simple research."

"Alright then, let's work on it this weekend in the library." After saying everything that had to be said, I started leaving the infirmary, but Nyx stopped me.

"Wait. Shouldn't you at least apologize for what you did to me?"

"Do you seriously expect an apology from me? Did you forget how you provoked me first? You should take an example from your own subordinate princess. Remember what the big guy said earlier? There's always consequence for your actions."

With that, I left the infirmary without waiting for Nyx's reply. My next destination was the first-year administration office to get my smart watch upgraded. Thanks to my first rank, I could skip the huge line of students who were waiting to get their smart watches upgraded. After the upgrade, it was finally time to go back home. I was thinking about my new training with Lucas when I received a notification.

Cool Name Pending.

[Unknown] created a group.

[Unknown] changed the group name to 'Cool Name Pending'

[Lucas] added you to the group.

[Unknown#1]: Hi everyone, it's Melina. Let's meet in half an hour at Lucas's flat.

[Alex]: Why?

[Unknown#1]: Didn't you say you were going to train with Lucas? Anastasia and I have decided to join you to study together.

[Unknown#2]: I never agreed to that.


"So do you mind explaining how our training session turned into a study session with two additional people?"

I was currently waiting for the girls inside Lucas living room. He served me a cup of tea and replied to my question with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry about that. Melina asked what I was going to do, and I told her about our training session. She then decided to join us, and I couldn't refuse."

After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, and Lucas went to welcome his guests. The girls came in, and Melina immediately sat next to me.

"So what type of training were you guys going to do?"

"I was planning to have a sparring match with Alex without using any skill. But I didn't know he was an archer, so I will have to plan something else."

"True, if a knight fights against an archer, it's obvious that the knight will win. Wait, how about Alex and Anastasia fighting against you? An archer and a mage against a knight seem fair, right?"

"Good idea, Melina. Alex, Anastasia, what do you think?"

Before Anastasia could reply, I decided to correct Lucas first. "It's true that I used a bow during the combat class, but I'm not an archer. I actually have a unique job called Hunter. It's the combination of an archer and an assassin. So your first plan of sparring with me was actually good."

Everyone was shocked to learn about my Hunter job. I wasn't planning to hide it since I thought that Lucas already knew about it when he used his skill on me earlier. But from his reaction, I understood that even his skill wasn't able to identify my job. It didn't matter, though. To be able to gain Lucas complete trust, I had to reveal a few secrets of mine.

"So if Alex can also fight as a melee, how about a team battle? Lucas and Anastasia against Alex and me."

After everyone agreed with Melina's idea, we all went to the first-year training hall, which was located next to our dormitory.
Thanks to our high ranks, it was easy to get a large private arena.

I took a wooded short sword and placed myself on the left side. Melina was a few steps behind me with a normal staff in her hands. We already agreed that only Melina and Anastasia could use their skills.

"Melina, just give me a speed buff and try to put up a barrier before Anastasia's spell hits me."

"Of course. You can count on me. Let the first training session of...'Cool Name Pending' start."

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