33. Assassination request

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The president immediately escorted me to the same private area that we had shared the day before at the couple cafe after introducing me to the members of the group.

"Even before you announced my job, did you even make any preparations for countermeasures? In the same way that Miktar did, I have no doubt that there will be other people who will raise objections."

"Yes, I was aware that there would be some resistance, but I was counting on you to have the ability to handle the situation on your own," she said.

Immediately, the president turned her head away from me in order to avoid making eye contact with me. As a result of the fact that I was able to anticipate that she would be unable to devise any solution on her own, she was ultimately compelled to rely solely on me. In light of the fact that I already had a few ideas about how to deal with the problem, I didn't really mind.

"Alright, the situation will be handled by me. But for the time being, I will have to figure out a method to explain our interaction to Luca, Amelia, and specially Melissa.

"Why don't we just let it be known that we are dating?"

"In the event that I mention it, it will cause me much more difficulties. In light of the fact that I am fully aware of Melissa's feelings toward me and Amelia's nature, I do not wish to put all of the effort that I have put in to be close to them at risk."

To her credit, the president did not respond with an argument because she was well aware of how beneficial the three individuals would be in the future. It was a stroke of good fortune for me to have a reliable ally who was able to comprehend my precise actions and procedures without requiring me to waste my time explaining them.

"As a side note, have you already made all of the necessary preparations for tomorrow?"

"You mean ordering the assassin to take action?"


I was able to detect a trace of concern in the eyes of the president. "I am aware that you have a flawless plan, but aren't you taking an excessive amount of risks?"

"You shouldn't be concerned about it. If you carry out each and every one of my instructions to the letter, then the risk will be well worth it.


A man who was dressed in black from head to toe was going about his business stealthily in a dark lane. He came to a stop in front of a beggar, and after ensuring that they were alone, he lowered himself to a crouching position and spoke in a muffled and composed manner. "Once I came to terms with and accepted my own darkness, I found that I was completely engulfed by my own light."

The begging man moved from his position and disclosed a small hole in the wall behind him. He did not even lift his head before moving from his position. Almost immediately, the man walked inside the hole and discovered that another individual was already waiting for him on the opposite side. The man took off his black coat and hat before sitting down on the a chair opposite to the other individual.

"It's been long. How's your babysitting job going?

"Don't start. The task was supposed to be simple, but for more than a week, I have been constantly on high alert and continually on watch. When it comes to safety, the Academy is not a laughing matter. If I even slightly relaxed for a moment, I'm sure that they would be able to detect my presence and apprehend me."

"Hahahah! There was no one who claimed that it would be a just simple task. You came to that conclusion on your own. Regardless, the client just sent us a request to eliminate him a soon as possible."

The expression of twight shifts to one of perplexity. " Hold on, I'm curious as to why you asked me to come back then. I had the ability to eliminate him without any difficulty before I left the Academy. The act of remaining inside is one thing, but do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to enter without anyone noticing me? Now you want me to go back there again and kill him when I was already there."

"Keep calm, Veiled Moon. Your presence in this location was mandated by those in authority over you. They have already made preparations to ensure that you are able to return to the academy without any difficulty, so you do not need to be concerned about how you are going to go back."

Veiled Moon experienced a sense of relief at learning that there was already a solution to his concern; nonetheless, he continued to be perplexed by the information. "However, I am curious as to why the higher-up requested that I return. The client asked for him to be removed from the premises as quickly as possible, didn't they?"

"Although it is true that we could collect more money the sooner we eliminate him, those in higher positions have other plans in mind. It will be necessary for you to abduct him alive, but there are two precise conditions that must be met before you may do so. Firstly, it is necessary to fabricate his death, and the secondly, it is to make it appear as though it was an accident. The academy will be in an uproar if one of their genius student get assassinated." 

This time, Veiled Moon was taken aback by the peculiar request that was made. He was used to killing people while making sure that everything appeared to be an accident, but this was the first time that he had to kidnap someone and then pretend that they had died in a fake accident. However, as a professional, he was already considering a few ideas that would allow him to successfully complete his objective.

"I understand, but I do have a question? You told me that I have to kidnap him while he is still alive, but exactly how alive must he be?"

'It is not really important how he is brought back as long as his brain is still functioning properly."

Exactly what Twight was hoping to hear was that expression. In order to make it simpler to fake the death of the youngster, he would need to be able to cut off one or two of his limbs as proof.

Suddenly, he notice a presence coming from inside the same hole he came from. Without any wasted movement, he immediately took out his conceal dagger and assumed a fighting position in front of the hole.

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