Chapter 16 - First Day at Morelli

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Brielle's POV

Beep, beep, beep. The alarm goes off and I hit the button turning it off. I climb out of bed and start getting ready for my first day of being the face of Morelli.

Picking out a red dress I put it on the bed with a match pair of red underwear and bra.

I walk into the bathroom and have a quick shower and wash my hair and body. I get out of the shower and dry off before getting changed.

Once I'm done I slip my shoes on and walk into the kitchen where I make myself bacon on toast. I quickly eat that and then brush my hair and teeth before heading to the Morelli building.

At times squares I look around the Main Street until I find Morelli. The building is grey with lots of windows.

It's one of the tallest building in the City. There are people walking in and out of the building.

I enter the building and see a clothes store on lower level. Next to it is the jewellery collection that's displayed with the clothes.

A smile spreads across my face as I see people in the store talking about how wonderful the jewellery is.

What no one knows is that I'm the one that designed them.

Walking into the store I look around and find a bracelet with hearts on it. "Can I have a look at that one?"

"Yes, Miss." the sales assistant opens the drawer and pulls out the bracelet. She places it on the table for me.

I pick up the bracelet and inspect it. The chain breaks in my hand.

How can they sell this cheap knockoffs? I wonder how many people have returned their purchases of the years.

"Miss," the sales assistant says. "You'll need to pay for that."

"I won't be paying for anything that breaks in my hands. After all you've been selling cheap chains with expensive designs."

"How do you?"

I lean against the display counter. "I'm the one that designed those. I want all your inventory in a bag by the end of the day. You'll compensate your clientele for the garbage you've sold. I will be back in a couple of days with the proper designs for you to sell. Put the Closed sign up once I leave."

Serena what the fuck have you done.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I call Darcy and wait for her to answer.

Darcy: Hello, this is Darcy.

Me: Darcy, it's Brielle. What can you tell me about my jewellery line.

Darcy: Ah,

Me: I found out Serena is using the cheap stuff. We don't work like that.

Darcy: I have to go.

She hangs up on me.

Great, now I have to deal with two people I used trust to get the work done.

Calling the production line I tell them to stop all work and that they won't be able to continue until I say so.

I need someone to go to the building and stake it out for me and maybe find out all of its secrets. I won't have my name dragged through the mud because people want to steal from me.

I call Jessica and wait for her to pick up.

Jessica: Hey, Bri. What can I do for you today?

Me: Do you know anything about jewellery?

Jessica: I do. Is there a company that you want me to infiltrate?

Me: Yes, it's called Bri Jewellery. I've just noticed that they are using cheap chains. You'll also need to have a look at their books and see if everything adds up. I have a feeling my business partner is Embezzling me.

Jessica: I'm sorry, Bri. I will get onto this right away. Thanks for trusting me.

Me: You were a great mother-in-law and I know that I can trust you. I'm starting to lose trust with people around me now. Please don't disappoint me too.

Jessica: I won't. Now, you show everyone in Morelli that you're perfect for the job of being the face of Morelli.

Me: I'll do that. Bye,

I put my phone back in my bag before walking over to the huge desk that has security behind it.

There's metal detectors next to the desk and a conveyer belt for them to check your bags.

All that before you can enter the building.

"Hi," I smile at eh security guard. "My name is Brielle Hilton. I have an appointment with HR."

The male types on his computer and then looks back at me. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't have you in the system. Are you sure you're meant to be here."

"Yes, I am."

People start moving aside as a man walks through with dark hair and blue eyes.


He looks in my direction and a smile spreads across his face. "Give the girl a guest pass. She'll be back later to get her ID."

"Yes, Mr Matthau." He prints off a guest pass and then gives it to me. "Have good day, Miss."

"Thank you." I put my bag on the conveyer belt and the walk through the metal detectors.

When it doesn't go off I'm relieved. Pick up my bag and follow Damon to the lifts.

When we get to the lifts there's heaps of people waiting. The doors open and everyone lets Damon on first. "Come on, Bri. You don't want to be left behind."

Entering the lift I stand next to him. People step into the lift with us. I hear people talking about Bodhi.

Damon doesn't look too happy. "Stop gossiping about, Mr Morelli. Yes, he was in a car accident. He'll be in the office today. Please be respectful to him." The door opens on one of the lower levels and people get out.

It takes us a couple of minutes before we reach the top floor. Looking at Damon I say. "I'm supposed to meet with Lois."

He opens a door to a room with black out windows. "We will be meeting her in here. Then you will be introduced to the board members. Including..."

"Bodhi," I whisper. "He doesn't know I'm the face of his company."

"No," he laughs. "I can't wait to see his face."

The meeting will be interesting then. I just hope he doesn't want me gone. Will his board defend me or will they get rid of me if Bodhi doesn't approve?

A woman with blonde hair and green eyes steps into the room. She's wearing a skirt and a button up white shirt. Heels that make her a little taller. She holds her hand out to me. "I'm Lois. The HR of this company and you're Brielle Hilton."

A smile spreads across my face. "Yes, that's correct. It's nice to meet you." I shake her hand.

She looks around the room and there's paper's on the desk. "What time is the board meeting?"

"10am," Damon says. "You have half an hour to fill out the forms with Brielle. I'll pick you up at 9:55am, then we'll head back to this room where you'll meet everyone."

"Okay, thanks Mr Matthau." I step around him and follow Lois to HR.

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