Chapter 9 - Talking to Mrs Morelli

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Brielle's POV

Jessica is standing in the hall when I exit the hall. "Brielle,"

Stopping in front of her. "Jessica," I lift my bag on my shoulder. "I want to thank you for leaving the gift basket for me."

"You're welcome." She grabs my hand and pulls me over to the seats. "I hope I didn't overstep my bounds by sending you one."

"It was sweet and it makes me happy to know that you still think about me, even though things didn't work out between your son and I."

Harrison walks over at that moment with the twins Liana and Cassie. He looks at me and then his wife. "Jessica, Brielle."

"Hi, Mr Morelli, Liana and Cassie."

"Brielle," the twins yell, before throwing themselves at me and hugging me.

Cassie pulls back. "Where have you been? After you left we had a terrible woman to deal with."

Smiling at her I say. "I've been in Paris, London and Sydney modelling."

"Wow, I bet you have nice dresses from all the shows."

"I do. There's too many for me to wear. When you have time send me a message and I'll let you take some off my hands."

"Yes," Liana says. "I would love to do that."

The feeling of being watched comes over me and I look around the hallway. I don't see anyone so I turn my attention back to the Morelli Family.

After a couple of minutes talking to the Morelli Family Damon walks over. "Is anyone sitting with Bodhi right now."

"No," Jessica replies. "We're catching up with Brielle. It's hard for all of us to be in that room with him."

Damon moves over to the room. "If you're all going to stay out here I'm going in to talk to my friend." He enters the room and closes the door behind him.

The Morelli Family tell me stories about what's been happening since I left and then some about Cynthia and how they disapprove of her relationship with Bodhi.

We spend over an hour catching up with each other's lives and I promise them that one day soon I will join them for dinner.

I just hope that it will be with Bodhi by my side.

The first thing we need to do is get rid of Cynthia. I just need to flush the cockroach out of her hiding spot.

I have a feeling that I'm one step closer to getting her where I need her.

Hugging each member of the Morelli Family I say. "Goodbye," to them before leaving the hospital.

As I exit the building I feel eyes on me again and it sends shivers down my spine. Turning around I scan everywhere before continuing down the road.

The feeling of being watched doesn't leave me and it's starting to piss me off. "I know you're there." I yell.

No one steps out to reveal themselves which is something I'm not surprised about.

I continue to walk and find an alley way that pulls me off from the main road.

I'm going to trap the asshole that thinks it's okay to follow and watch me.

When I reach the alleyway I start walking down. As I hit the halfway line I sing. "Come out, come out, where ever you are."

At that moment a guy steps into the alley way wearing blue jeans, a white wife beater, a black jacket. His hair is dark and brown eyes.

There's a scar on his face. It runs from his left eye to the top of his right lip. Giving him an air of danger.

I've been around dangerous people before. So, being this close to him doesn't bother me.

He walks towards me and stops a couple of metres away. "How did you know I was following you?"

I look into his eyes making sure that he can see I'm not afraid of him. "That is something we're not going to discuss. Why are you following me?"

"I was paid to. A woman wants to know everything that you're doing."

Great, things are going to plan.

"So, you were told to stay in the background? Make sure that no one can see you. Is that right?"

He nods.

"You made a mistake by following orders. I'm not the type that likes my privacy being invaded." I step closer to him before I swing my right hand and punch him in the face.

He stumbles back in shock. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Teaching you a lesson." I keep hitting him and after a while he starts to retaliate.

He gets a hit in which makes me fall to the ground. "I don't want to hurt you, but you're making me do this."

Growing up with the family I did getting hit my a male was part of my training. They made me who I am today and I'm not going to let anyone defeat me.

While he's not watching I grab the small device that tracks people and hold it in my hand. I wait for the perfect moment before attaching it to his shirt.

I keep hitting him and he looks like he's had enough.

He raises his hand. "I'm calling it a day." Standing up he leaves the alley way and I grab my phone.

Once he's out of sight I use the tracking app to find out where he's going.

I know for a fact that he's going to the hide out of Cynthia. He'll tell her everything that I did and I'm looking forward to her seeing my handy work on one of her men.

If she sends more they will end up like him or worse.

About an hour later, he's walking into a warehouse in Queens. When I get closer to the building I read the name on it 'Esposito Inc.'

That woman is dumb as they come. She's using my family against me.

Once they find out they're going up against their Granddaughter, niece and cousin I wonder how many of them will cut and run before I've had a chance to see them all again.

The Esposito's aren't going to see me coming. I wonder if they still keep petrol in the containers at the side of the building.

Walking down the side of the building I see a couple of containers. "Jackpot," I pick up the container and walk through the side door. I pour petrol on the ground.

I grab the second one and pour some of the petrol around the building.

As I get to the last one a guy steps out of the building. "Hold it right there." Kicking the door next to me I run into the building and pour the last container on the ground.

Looking around I find another exit and take that before going back to the door I kicked in. Striking a match I throw it on the ground and watch the building go up.

People are running out screaming. Including the guy I gave a good beating too.

My attention is drawn to the camera above my head and I smile at whoever is watching the video. "Tell Cynthia Richardson I'm coming for her. This is a little preview of what's coming." I flip the camera off before running from the building.

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