Chapter 19 - Setting Things Right

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Brielle's POV

Before I leave the conference room I turn to Bodhi. "You should go to the Doctors and have your head looked at. Tell them about the mood swings. They will be able to help you. Also, speak to a councillor they could help you navigate through your problems."

Bodhi wheels himself out from behind the desk. "How do you know so much about head injuries? I wouldn't expect you to know so much."

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Bodhi. I'll reveal something small to you about my childhood. I was trained vigorously by Nonno and some of things he taught me made me hurt myself. I've had a number of head injuries. The doctor told me that all the training had to stop and in the future I might have problems when I get older."

He stops close to me and takes my hand. "Are you close to Nonno?"

"I used to be. Life choices has pushed me away from my family. I don't want to rehash all that with you. See you next week, Bodhi." I walk out of the room.

Going through my phone I look for my hackers name and stop on it. The phone rings a couple of times before Chelsea picks up.

Chelsea: Hey, Brielle. What do I owe for this conversation.

Me: I need you to track money that's been embezzled from my company.

Chelsea: Damn, who would do that to a Mafia Princess?

Me: Two bitches who thought they could get away with it.

Chelsea: What do you want me to do with the money once I find it?

Me: I will send you the transfer details once you've found my money.

Chelsea: Okay, all I need is the name of the people involved in this.

Me: Serena Blackhart and Darcy Lang.

I hear typing from the other end.

Chelsea: How many Bri Stores do you own?

Me: One, it's inside Morelli.

Chelsea: I've done some research and there's another three around New York. One is close to Manhattan Bridge, another in Queens and the other is Brooklyn.

Me: Send the addresses. I'm going to close all those stores within the next five hours.

Chelsea: Good, I can't believe they used cheap chains. I've been meaning to return the bracelet I purchase last week.

Me: Come to my place I will have a replacement waiting for you.

Chelsea: Thanks, she's quiet for a moment. I was pissed when it broke. I thought you were the one that approved the chains.

Me: I would never do that to my customers. They deserve the best. Now I have to do some damage control and not only that I'll have to make an appearance at Bri & Co to take back my company and weed out the rotten eggs.

Chelsea: You'll do fine. I'll call you later. Bye.

Me: Bye,

The lift door opens and I step inside. I press the button for the ground floor. It doesn't take long until I'm walking into Bri.

Everything is packed up and waiting for me to take it.

Damn it. I don't have a car to help me move this stuff.

Damon walks into the empty store. "I haven't seen the place like this before. It makes me sad not seeing all the pretty jewellery you designed."

"Damon," I give him my sweet voice. "I don't have a car to take all these bags with me. Can I use yours?"

He looks at the bags and shakes his head. "My car isn't big enough for that. I'll have Claus come by to get the bags. You can ride with me when we get rid of the jewellery. Where are you going to take them?"

"To the warehouse these cheap chains came from. Excuse me. I need to make a phone call." I walk out of the store and contact the guy who used to design my jewellery.

Leo: Go for Leo.

I chuckle.

He's been using that line for a long time and I never thought I would hear that again.

Me: Hey, Leo. It's Brielle Hilton.

Leo: FUCK, NO. He yells. Your stand in CEO owes me a ton of money.

Me: I'll triple the price. Can you make my jewellery for me?

Leo: Done,

Me: I need 10,000 sets done asap. I need to have them ready as I make an announcement on TV and to apologise for the shit my co CEO did.

Leo: Send me all the designs and I'll work on them. I'll also be able to hire more staff with your generous contribution.

Me: It's what I owe. Leo, I'm sorry about what happened.

Leo: Apology accepted. I'll let you go as I know you have a lot to deal with. Thanks to saga. Bye, Brielle.

Me: Bye, Leo.

Damon exits the store. "Claus is busy and won't be here for another four hours. What would you like to do?"

"Take me to Bri and Co. I have a lot of business to conduct in that building and a lot of firing to do also." I shake my head. "People become money hungry when they get a lot more than they're used to. It seems the power and money went to Serena's head and her best friend, Darcy followed in her suit. Too bad they will learn their lesson soon enough."

My phone begins to ring and Chelsea's name appears on the screen.

Me: Hey, Chelsea. What did you find out?

Chelsea: Between Serena and Darcy they have a total of twenty-four accounts. All of them have ten million in each.

How the hell did that happen? Are they ripping someone else off too?

Me: Is this all from my company?

Chelsea: It seems like most of it is from the three stores you didn't know about. I think they siphoned money after people paid the full price.

This doesn't look good on me. I might have to close all my stores.

Me: Is there any good news?

Chelsea: You'll have to give back the money to the people that went to the store. I can make an account that's untraceable and you'll use that money to pay everyone back.

Me: Okay,

Chelsea: Give me five minutes and I'll have all that done for you. Then you can confront that woman and you'll have a front row seat to her losing everything.

Me: I couldn't ask for a better way to end the day.

Chelsea: It's done. I'll be watching the news tonight. I can't wait to see everything unfold for the woman that embezzled from you.

Me: Thanks, Chelsea. Come to my place on Friday. Your set will be there.

Chelsea: I can't wait to see it. Thanks, Brielle.

Me: You're welcome.

We talk about longer before hanging up the phone.

Damon smiles at me. "You know a hacker?"

"Yes," I laugh. "I've known her for years. If you get on my bad side I can make your money disappear."

He shakes his head. "I'll stay on your good side, thank you very much. Let's get this show underway."

"We shall." We climb into the car and Damon starts it before heading in the direction of my building near Central Park.

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