Bonus Scene - Nonna's Fall from chapter 12

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Nonna's POV

Dante has his hands balled into fists. "Can you believe that bitch burnt down the warehouse? Why is Nonno letting her get away with it."

Someone set the warehouse on fire? I better check on Giuseppe.

Enzo places his hands on his shoulder. "There's a reason why Nonno is leaving it. I'm sure he will let us know why he did it when the time is right."

He's right. My husband will tell them when they need to know something.

"Nonna," Dante says. "How long have you been standing there?"

"I overheard you talking about the Warehouse. Do you know who did it?" I ask.

Enzo looks around the hall, making sure that no one is around. "We think it's the girl that Cynthia wants us to hurt."

"What is the girls name?"

"Brielle Hilton,"

"merda," I slap my grandson on the side of the head. Lowering my voice I say. "You better not touch that girl. Or I will kill you." Walking away from them I head to my husbands office.

Knocking on the door I wait for Giuseppe to tell me that I can come in. When he's in this office it means that he needs to clean up a mess.

Sometimes he'll lock himself in here until he can come up with a solution to a problem.

Right now I don't think it will work. Not when it comes his Nepotina.

"Come in," I enter the room and move over to my husband.

He holds his arms out to me. "There's my favourite girl."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No," he looks at the table. "I saw her today and she wouldn't look at me. Am I some monster that she doesn't want anything to do with?"

"You're not a monster. It's because of me that she won't look you in the eyes. Brielle and I had an agreement. Unfortunately, it involves her cutting us off until she completes the mission."

Giuseppe lifts his head and looks at me. "What mission is that?"

A smile forms on my face. "We will tell you all about it when Brielle comes home."

"Do you think she will come back to us?"

"Yes," I sit on his lap. "She loves all of us. Right now she's half the granddaughter we know. When she comes back she'll be whole. That will be thanks to everything she's done. Do you trust me?"

"Of course. What should we do about Cynthia? She's the one Brielle is after."

I move a piece of hair from my face. "We're not keeping her safe in this house. I want her gone asap." Standing up I walk to the door. "Get it done before I get back from shopping. Closing the door I head towards my bedroom to grab my bag.

Entering the bedroom I find my purse sitting on the floor by the bed. I pick it up and put it over my shoulder.

Then I walk out of the bedroom and close the door behind me.

I get a feeling they someone is watching me. Looking around the hall I don't see anyone. I let my guard down as I head towards the stairs.

A hand grabs my shoulder and I see manicured nails in all sorts of colours. "You letting that guard down is what causes your death." I'm shoved in the back and fall down the stairs. "DIE, BITCH." Is mouthed as I tumble down and a smirk is plastered on her face.

"Nonna," Dante yells as I hit the last step and my head hits the floor hard.

Everything goes black after that.


When I wake my family is around the bed. "Who did it?"

I can't believe they don't know who did it. She was standing at the top of the stairs for everyone to see.

"Giuseppe, I want to talk to you alone." I look around the room at my sons, grandsons and great grandsons.

I don't trust any of them.

"You all heard, Nonna. Out ," he ushers them out of the room before closing the door. "Are you going to tell me who did it."


"I'm going to kill that girl."

"No," I shout. "You're going to pretend like this never happened."


A smile spreads across my face. "That woman will get what's coming for her. It's just not your place to teach her a lesson."

"Oh," he pulls me into his arms. "We're leaving her to, Brielle?"

"Yes," he laughs. "Damn, that girl is going to be brutal."

"Yeah, she was trained by one of the best bosses out there. It looks like her training paid off. Especially, with her smoking out her enemies with the warehouse fire. Did you know it was her?"

"It was a gut feeling that it might have been her. When I saw the surveillance videos after we left the building I knew it was my protégé."

Knock, knock, knock.

Giuseppe walks over to the door and opens it. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'd like to see Nonna." The guy steps into the room with a bunch of flowers and there's a card with it.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Damon. A friend."

I look over at my husband. "Giuseppe, can you put the flowers in a vase. I would like to talk to my guest here."

"Okay," Giuseppe takes the flowers from Damon and then sets everything up for the flowers to go into rheumatoid arthritis vase.

"Who sent you?" I demand.

"You'll know everything when you read the card. I hope you have a speedy recovery, Nonna. Don't forget there's an Angel watching over you." Damon walks out the door.

My husband walks back into the room. "Did you scare the guest away."

No, but everything he said was strange.

"Can you bring the card to me, Giuseppe. The one that came with the flowers."

"Okay," Giuseppe grabs the card and moves back to the bed. He slides on the bed next to me. "Here you go."

I take the card from him and read it allowed.

Dearest Nonna,
            I promised that I wouldn't see you until it was done. I'm still keeping that. When I found out about the accident I had to see you without being there in person. These flowers are to make you feel better. I hope my friend didn't scare you by calling you, Nonna.

It was sweet that he called me Nonna. Maybe, it was his way of telling me that my Nepotina was close by.



Ps She'll be heavily punished for pushing you down the stairs.

That's my girl. Kicking ass and taking names later.

Giuseppe takes the card from me. "Do you think she close by?"

"Yes," I look out the door and see a girl that looks similar to Brielle.

She's not going to let me catch her stalking our family. Even though I know she keeps up to date with what's going on with the family.

"I'm going to dig around and find out more about our mystery visitor. I think he knows Brielle's plans and I want to know what she's doing. Keep her safe if I need to."

"No, you're not. You're staying in bed with me."

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