Chapter 14 - Intruder Part II

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Brielle's POV

Climbing out of bed I grab Aldo and drag him out of the apartment. I press the button for the lift and wait for it to come. "How did you get into my room?"

He whimpers in pain. "I'm security guard here. I have access to all rooms."

"Have you done this before?" He remains and quiet and I pull his arm behind his back. "I won't ask again."

Aldo keeps his mouth shut and I pull his arm until I hear a crack. "You crazy, bitch." He screams.

Leaning close to his face I say. "I bet you thought I was wash pray." He nods. "Well I'm not."

The lift door opens and I drag him inside. Music begins to play while we're in the lift the and I begin to sing the song 'Bitch.' It seems fitting.

Aldo's face begins to pale as blood pours out of his wounds.

When the lift doors open I throw him across the floor of the foyer. I look around at all the Security guys.

"What's going on?" Kyle asks getting out of his seat.

"This guy came into my apartment while I was sleeping. He was up to no good and I don't tolerate that. He also works for someone that wants me dead." I shoot him in the other leg. "Tell Cynthia Richardson that the next person that comes for me will be in a body bag. This is my last warning."

By morning all of them would be fired. I wouldn't be surprised if Cynthia had put some people she knew into a position in this building.

Before I press the button to the lift I say. "Get him some help."

Aldo stops screaming and I realise that he's passed out.

The door to the lift opens and I enter it. It takes me to my floor. Once on my floor I head to my apartment.

When I get there I see that it's 3am, in the morning.

Jessica should know about what happed. I'd hate for her to hear it from someone else.

The phone rings a couple of times before a tired voice says. "Hello, Jessica speaking."

Me: Jessica, it's Brielle.

Jessica: Is everything okay? She asks with concern in her voice.

Me: One of the security guys broke into my apartment.

Jessica: Shit! What did he want?

Me: He was sent by Cynthia.

Jessica: I'll be there in 30 minutes and have everything sorted out. Did you get hurt?

Me: No, I shot the intruder a couple of times before sending him to the front desk to be rushed to the hospital.

Jessica: I'm not surprised they you would do something like that. Your Nonno taught you well.

Me: He had to. After all family is important to us.

Jessica: See you soon.

Me: Bye,

Hanging up I put the phone back on the nightstand.

I'll deal with a lock smith tomorrow. I don't want someone to come over right now.

Since I'm up I might as well get ready for the day.

I grab a quick shower before walking over to the balcony and sitting outside with a cup of coffee.

There's a knock on the door and I walk through the apartment to the door. Opening I'm greeted by Jessica and Damon.

Why is Damon here?

"Come in," I invite them in. "Damon what are you doing here?"

"I was heading home when I saw an ambulance here. I wanted to know if you're safe."

"As you can see I'm safe. You can go home."

Jessica looks between us. Before she says. "What do you know about, Brielle?"

"I don't know everything, Mrs Morelli. She only gives me small glimpses of who she really is and I can't wait to know more."

A smile spreads across her face. "That's a good answer. You should go, Damon. Brielle and I have a lot to talk about." She opens the door and waits for Damon to leave.

He looks over at me. "Are you sure you want me to leave?"

"Yes," I hug him. "I'll see you at the office on Monday."

Damon walks out of the apartment and closes the door.

Jessica takes a seat on the couch. "I fired everyone. Now, I have to look for new people to look after this place and I don't know where to begin looking."

"I'll do that for you. Also, I'd like the apartments locks changed and no one can have access to my place. All keys will be in my possession." I tell her.

"Okay," she stands and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry someone broke in. We'll make this place safer for you. I hope this incident won't deter you from staying."

"There's one more thing you can do."

"I'll do anything."

"Make this floor only accessible for those that live on the floor."

"You are the only one that lives here at the moment. So, that won't be a problem. Do you think you can go back to sleep?"

"Sure," I yawn. "Will you be here when I wake?"


"Goodnight," I walk to my bedroom and climb into bed.

*Dream Continues*

Once all the water is gone Mr Richardson pulls the cloth of my face.

I spit water in his face. "You'll have to try harder than that to hurt me." While he's not paying attention I dislocate my wrist and pull my hand feee from the binds."

Mamma shakes her head telling me not to do what I want. "Don't," she mouths.

Why doesn't she want me to help them out?

Mrs Richardson asks Dad another question which he refuses to answers. She looks over at her husband. "We're not getting anywhere now. I think it's time we take it a notch."

What does she mean by take it up a notch?

My answer comes when a saw is started and she cuts my father's fingers off.

I'm going to be sick.

I start dry heaving and tears begin to fall down my face. "Papa," I scream.

Papa looks at me before he passes out.

Why don't my parents want me to help them out? We could get out of here together.

Mamma looks over at me. "I'm sorry, Brielle." She holds her hand out to Papa.

"Hold her face, honey. She needs to see everything we do to her family." Mrs Richardson starts cutting my parents to pieces in front of me. All their body parts end up at my feet. She grabs a petrol can and pours it over them. "Do you have any last words?"

You're going to pay for this.

"No," I sob.

Then Mamma and Papa's bodies are set on fire.

Mr Richardson lets go of my face. He unbinds my hands. "This is retribution for your family killing my son and daughter-in-law. If there's any retaliation we'll make an example out of you, Brielle. You're free just like my granddaughter.

*end dream*

Waking up my heart is racing and tears fall down my face.

"Brielle," Jessica runs into my room and hugs me against her. "Do you want to talk it."

"I keep seeing Mamma and Papa's death. I wish I didn't see it happen."

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