Chapter 2: Surprise from a Scammer (Gepard POV)

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I strolled around the streets with Serval shortly after we left the cafe. She starts to begin her love advice to help me speak to Sampo. In normal circumstances, I would not follow through on her advice. However, unfortunately, I have no better ideas. I slightly fluster at the thought of starting a conversation with that criminal. Suddenly, a loud noise is heard. I turn around and immediately see 2 things. The trash can is rattling on the floor, and right in front of me stands the handsome idiot himself, Sampo Koski. There are only inches between our faces, and the glow of his smile is unwavering. His hair is framing his face in a messy but fitting way. His eyes are staring into mine. His behavior both infuriates and baffles me. He has a hungry, yet eager look in his eyes, an expression that is...untrustworthy. My heart rate speeds up, and I take a gulp of air as I realize I had been holding my breath. I glance in the corner of my eye to see MY SISTER HAS DISAPPEARED???
“Hellooo Gepard, cat got your tongue?” Sampo says, laughing.
My cheeks heat up. It most certainly is from annoyance. Definitely.
“No. Anyways, what is the infamous Sampo Koski doing out in the open? It's very out of character for you.” Sampo taps on his cheek thinking of a response, then grins.
“I’m staring at a diamond rn, and idk if I should take it and keep it all for myself,” Sampo replies, sticking his tongue out. My head feels like it is steaming at this point. DID HE JUST CALL ME A DIAMOND??? WHO MADE HIM THIS BOLD?? Sampo goes in to caress my cheek. Pfft. What made him think I would let him do that? Such an idiot. I smack his hand away before it gets there.
“Did I go too fast for you? We can take it slow-”
“I think we're done here, Sampo,” I sigh as I start to walk away. Sampo grabs my arm swiftly. “Heyyy, wait a second. Can’t we catch up a little bit first? Allow me to give you an evening you won't forget.”

This is the first time that Sampo and I have had a conversation with each other without me chasing him out of the city. Another slightly out of character thing for him to do. However, I don’t necessarily want to say no. Maybe Serval just messed up my train of thought.  I sigh with contempt.
“...Sure,” I say.
Sampo stands up, twirling my hand around as if it were a purse. He almost goes to kiss the hand, but I slap him away. “I will allow you to take me on a..”
I stop mid sentence. this going to technically be a date? The way Sampo asked was clearly out of the ordinary for us both being men. I need to finish before he says something stupid.
“..On a evening I won't forget,” I say, quoting Sampo. “But we're gonna need some ground rules,” I continue.
Sampo leans across a brick wall behind me in a seductive way.
“Rules? I love rules. But go easy on me, Gepard,” He says, smiling at me with a devilish grin. I get flustered and cover his mouth, so he can't say anything else like that. He perks up like a dog. “Just let me finish t-alking.” Sampo nods, and I slowly remove my hand.
“Rule 1: You must act politely during the evening-”

(Sampo POV: Did I just make Gepard blush? It was kinda cute, seeing that side of him.  *chuckles* I wanna know more about him and see that side of Gepard once more. This evening might be nice..).

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