Chapter 5: Delightful Conversations (Sampo POV)

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I let the beautiful man ramble on for abt..49 or so mins? He was so engrossed in talking abt his life, almost like he's never really told anyone what his thoughts, pains, and worries are (besides his sister Serval). Hehe..I’ve never seen this part of Gepard before. But I don’t not like’s like we’re connecting for the first time. I end up staring into his blue eyes. His hairs always so ruffled, I expected it to be neatly put all the time, since he’s all uptight abt the rules and such. I wonder he’d slap my hand if I tried to ruffle his hair. Probably but it would be funny to see the reaction. To be honest with you, for a split second, I might have looked at his lips as welL!
Perhaps im getting caught up in the moment.

Gepard stops his rant. I perk up. Did I do smth wrong?
“Why are u looking at me like that?”
“None of ur business,” I say, and I dart my eyes away.
“Tell me some about u.” I barely hear Gepards words. He mumbled it almost like he was embarrassed to utter it. I see him look down, a tiny bit of pink on his cheeks. The food comes right after, not letting me get a response in.

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