Chapter 12: And they were roomates (Gepard POV)

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My eyes widened at the words Sampo just said with a straight face. MOVE IN? I looked down to try to hide my expression from him. I needed a moment to think.

Ofc living with Sampo…it’s crossed my mind a little. I mean, I really care about him and dating him has been surprisingly amazing. I think I..
“Why u hidin?” Sampo questioned, leaning closer to me. WHY HES GETTING SO CLOSE TO ME?? I cover his mouth so I can think for a few more moments. It might be a little dangerous to have him in the apartment. Ik he was used to bedding his former partners rather quickly because it was a casual relationship. But I want ours to be a bit more serious than that. Maybe this is a sign Sampo wants to get more serious.  I glanced again into the eyes of Sampo, and I felt like this was the right decision, especially since he asked first. I took my hand off of him and nodded.
“Yeah, let’s move in together,” I said.
“So this is a definite yes?”
“Yeah,” I reassure him while smiling.

Sampo grabbed me into a bear hug, and I fell off the couch. “Ik it’s getting late but can we drop by my place and move the stuff out? I don’t have much,” Sampo whispered in my ear.
“Yes, if u get off of me, Koski.” Luckily he gets off me so I can BREATHE. His behavior is slightly odd but I’ll let it slide.

We dropped by his apartment. It was ok in general but pretty messy, even for Sampo. Cluttered but modern. I didn’t expect Sampo to be so fit, but as soon as I saw his clothes that were being packed in boxes, they looked tight.
“Ey Sampo can u come in here a sec?” I asked nicely. Sampo trudged in, placing a box down.
“Whats up?”

“I was just uh wondering why the clothes in this box are so tight? Are they like from a cousin or-“
“Nah Geppie their mine.” As soon as he confirmed it my eyebrows shot up. I expected Sampo to have muscle ofc but just how much does he have? I was curious but there was NO WAY I was asking him to show me. Things might escalate from there…nahh. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I only just realize Sampo left the room. Odd but whatever. I pick up the box he left and put it by the door. I pick up the other boxes with both my hands and left them there as well. We were about ready to leave I guess. I call for Sampo and he doesn’t respond. Hmm? Where did he go off to…

A moment later hands wrap around my waist. Sampo leans his body against mine. It was nice until I realized. The idiot isn’t wearing a shirt. I turn around cautiously and see I was right. His boob window is large and his abs are defined. He goes close to me, close enough I can hear his breathing. “Bet u didn’t expect me to look gorgeous underneath, did you?” He said with that little grin of his. I sighed. There was a whole different mood in the room. A different sort of…tone. “I just didn’t know you were..”
“Well yeah.”
“I thought it’d be a nice surprise for the first time we fool around, but you spoiled it for us.” I stopped him right there, signaling him to halt. Is that the only reason he wants to move in?
“Is that why you’re moving in with me? Just so you can get some action??” I asked, hoping I get a different answer than I suspect.
“Babe, ofc not. I’m moving in for…several reasons actually. One I can’t tell u rn but you’ve got to trust me on it. The main reason, however, is that I want to move on to the next step in our relationship. The more time I’m with you, the better,” Sampo assured me. Idk why there’s a reason he can’t tell me, but I’m sure it’s just some sort of positive thing, I think I trust him more now. I shouldn’t worry so much. 
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m just not ready for that yet,” I admitted, taking a step back. Sampo patted my head amd nodded. “I understand, one little step at a time.”

We drove back to my place, where I wore my pajamas with stars on them. Sampo, however, somehow was wearing pajamas with hid face on it (I had no idea how he managed to get them custom, but I’d rather not know). We cuddled and watched Netflix. It felt…nice, Sampos arm drapes around my shoulder as we snuggled in blankets. It was cold both outside and inside, luckily the blankets kept us warm. Soon it started pouring down more outside, the rain pushing against the windows (my apartment is expensive but worth it). Slowly I could tell Sampo was starting to fall asleep. He looked groggy as if his energy was slowly draining out. I looked away from his face and focused on the TV.
“You’re flustered,” Sampo pointed out.
“You’re mistaken,” I said while denying his point. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t. Sampo laughed since he knew I was lying. He let out a little “Hehe” before going back to silence. Dummy. I noticed he was still quite tired. He even yawned as well, there was no hiding it. Instantly I felt his lips on mine. He gave a quick kiss, then told me he was going to bed early. “Goodnight,” Sampo said softly, winking.
“Goodnight,” I said, feeling satisfied. I already had his bed set up for him, and a couple posters that I found in his box put up neatly. He ran up to his bed and collapsed on it, kicking his feet in the air at the softness of it and wrapped himself in the covers in the silliest way possible. Typical Sampo. I watched from the doorway, then left him alone to rest. I shut off the TV and went to my own room ready to sleep.

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