Chapter 13: Critic (Gepard POV)

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It has been a couple months since Sampo moved in. Things have been good. We've been dating for about 4 1/2 months. We mostly get along, ofc there have been a few arguments, most were about Sampo continuing his rule breaking lifestyle.

Eventually he said that if I didn't like it, he would quit. It took a little time but eventually he got a job. I told him he didn't need to steal but that he didn't need a job either, as my Job provided enough money for me to support him. He said he wanted the extra money to buy something. He didn't tell me what it was so I let it go. Despite both of us working, we still go on endearing dates every so often. Sampo is a little more mature than he looks, though he does have moments where he makes questionable decisions. He's a little impulsive which is why I straighten him out sometimes. He's lucky he's cute.

When I'm not working and not going on dates with Sampo, I often hang out with Serval. She's more outgoing than I am, so naturally I'm dragged to some of her concerts she performs in Belobog. It's not that I don't like her music, it's just that it isn't as calming after a day of work. I try to silently cheer her on. Today is one of her concerts. This time she made us go to my apartment to change, since she said a critic is coming this time so we both have to look classy 🙄. I unlock the door and she goes to...SAMPOS ROOM???

"Soo this is where your bf sleeps."
I roll my eyes. "Where did u think he slept?"
"Well I thought maybe you guys were sleeping together," She said without making eye contact with me. I didn't think it was any of her business, but since she got us together in the first place, she probably wouldn't let the subject drop easily.

"We slept together just a few times so far, since we're taking it slow right now."
"Sampo was the one who suggested it, wasn't he? Serval accused.
"Obviously," I remarked. He waited patiently for a couple months until I felt ready. Eventually one day I grabbed his tie after he was done with work and pulled him to the bedroom. He enjoyed it of course, but he tried to hide it so he didn't seem dirty minded to me. We've done it a little more often but there is no freaking way I'm telling my sister that. Lynx knows I'm dating a guy already, to which she had said "The signs were there". I didn't know what made her say that, Serval probably mentioned some of the details to her already. Servals friends know too, but only because one of them had asked for my number thinking that I liked women.

Serval fixed that, and it resulted in her friends treating me like one of the girls. It's ok ig but they expect me to act zesty when the male waiters come by, which I am often bribed into doing. Odd but whatever gets me out of going to a salon.
"Has he said..those words yet?"
Serval asked innocently. I turned my head to her direction as I was putting on a tux she got for me to wear at the concert.
"SHHH, ofc not. We havent dated long and that's the type of thing u only say at the right time." Serval looked confused at my response, like I was a little kid talking about nonsense.

"'ve known Sampo for years. Sure you havent officially dated that long, but he's liked you since the day he met you. You've had many experiences with him and now u basically know everything about him. If you love him, you have to say it out loud for him to hear. It's the next step of your relationship, yk." I stood silently. She doesn't particularly sound wrong, but is that really the next step?? The whole idea was getting me nervous, especially cause Sampo is basically my first real relationship.

"Next step?? You really think so, sis?" I asked calmly.
"Well yall already confesses, started dating, went on dates, moved in together, had se-"
"I'd prefer if you u-used the term fornicate." Serval gave me a side eye. It was immature for me to say, but it's not like I'm supposed to be comfortable with my sis saying sex. Not that she hasn't occasionally told me about her affairs, but it's pretty rare.

"The point is, it's the next part in your relationship. You're not scared to say it, are you?" Serval questioned, us locking eyes. My mind went blank. I don't exactly think I feel scared to say it, it just never seemed to be the right time. Maybe I was putting it off by thinking like that. Serval expected an answer from me when I didn't even know the answer for myself.
"I...I don't know," I confess. Serval pats me on the head and it instantly helps a bit, ridiculously. She ruffles my groomed hair, which means I'm gonna have to comb it neatly AGAIN. Oh well...

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