Chapter 10: Geppie🧡(Gepard POV)

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You: Eyyy Sampo
My Sampo: I'll do whatever u want my love
You: ‼️ that's a little bold..
My Sampo: I'll say more if u want
You: That's not what I wanted to ask bruh
My Sampo: Hehe kk tell me
You: So I was wondering if it is OK if Serval joins us at the cafe
My Sampo: I thought it was gonna be just us
You: Ik, ik but Serval wants to meet u 🥺🥺
My Sampo: That's the eldest sister, right?
You: Yes
You: U sure?
My Sampo: Ofc I am 💥
You: Ok thank uuu *You have gone offline*

I quickly told Serval that Sampo was ok with it and she was ecstatic. She hung around for the rest of my work hours, sometimes she would disturb that annoying guard with her loud guitar and his face would turn red from frustration. I tried not to laugh.
I waved goodbye to the guards as my shift ended. Serval waved as well, though she stuck her tongue out at the annoying guard. He gasped, veins throbbed from his head, and he finally stormed into the closed museum.
We left precisely at 5pm, which gave me a good amount of time to change my clothes in my apartment. Serval said that I "needed a makeover." We swapped the captain outfit for a icy themed dress shirt and nice formal pants. Now that the Captains armor is off, I didn't realize how much muscle I had. My biceps basically bulged now, a couple veins visible. And my ab muscles have DEFINITELY INCREASED from the last time I looked in a mirror.

"OMG, GEPPIE IS BUFF??!" Serval exclaimed in disarray.
"Gosh why are you so surprised at that?"
"Because you sit and guard all day, HOW DID YOU GET SO MUCH BUFFER?"
"I work out yk," I said to her. I guess because I'm always wearing the Captains outfit, she never saw the muscles underneath the armor. Makes sense, actually.

Serval keeps her clothes the same because she thinks it matches her energy. I tried my best not to roll my eyes.

We both arrive at the cafe a couple minutes early. I walk in the door to see SAMPO KOSKI WITH A TUX ON??????

I speedwalk to him, and Serval follows. I tug on his sleeve. "Why are you wearing that?" I whispered only loud enough for him to hear. I can't believe he did this. It's supposed to be calm and casual, a tux makes it look LIKE HES GETTING READY FOR A FREAKING WEDDING.
"As some people have said, Dress to impress. So I did."
I face palm at his words. What's he going on about now..
"Stop speaking nonsense."
"Did it work?"
I felt like this was a ploy for attention, and I sensed it almost instantly. I made Serval go find a nice table so Sampo and I could speak alone. I sigh to the charming man.
"Did what work?"
Sampo suddenly leans close to me, leaning the weight of his body against a nearby wall, trapping me.
"Did I impress you with my attire?"
My eyes widen. He picked an overly nice outfit just to impress me. It wasn't a trap. It was a romantic gesture of his. I was at a loss for words and I felt as if people were staring at us. My face felt flustered.
"Y-yes," I stupidly stuttered out. I felt like kissing him, and from the look in his eyes, he also wanted to. However, I don't wanna rush things, since this is my first relationship and I want to keep it going.

I feel like Sampo has other ideas, since he's probably dated around and is more casual at dating than I am. I close my eyes, expecting him to yk. Shockingly, he wraps me into a hug instead. Half the restaurant is staring in disbelief at this point, but I don't care. Just 2 boyfriends hugging, nothing out of the ordinary😅.

I hear Serval gasp behind us and the hug ends as I go up to her and give her 20 bucks, not to mention this or even the fact I was flustered the whole time.

"Hi Sampo, I'm Serval, Geppies big sis," Serval says, properly introducing herself as we are served our coffee at our reserved table. Sampo bows. A little extra to me, but I kept silent because I want them to get along well.
"I'm the infamous Sampo Koski, Geppies bf." Serval laughs at hearing Sampo call me "Geppie". I told him that was my nickname since birth,  back on our first date. I told him not to say it out loud, but of course Sampo is quite the rulebreaker. Sampo ruffles my hair. "Your brothers a wonderful person, he's a great boyfriend too." Sampo blows a kiss to me, and a splotch of pink dusts my cheeks. Serval claps as if celebrating our gayness, and I wave for her to stop.

I'm glad Sampo thinks of me as a good boyfriend. The thought makes my heart race faster.

I glance at Sampo as he and Serval are talking. I catch myself look at his lips as well. A part of me says again not to rush things, and the other part says that it's completely normal for couples to do that and that Sampo would like it anyway. I didn't have the guts to do it in front of Serval though. I doubt she wants to see her brother kiss a man in front of her. So, I kissed him on the cheek,  almost quick enough for Serval not to notice. She winked at me and looked the other way so I would feel more secluded. Sampos eyes are more open, surprised at what I just did. Then he smiles.
"Am I that irresistible?" He asked with that devious little grin of his.
"..I'd prefer not to say in order to keep this formal."
"That's a yes."
"Don't push your luck, Koski."
"I was born a rulebreaker." He kisses me. ON. THE. LIPS. And my heart skips a couple beats.

The thing that most surprised me on that day is how good of a kisser Sampo is.

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