Chapter 4: Getting to know each other (Gepard POV)

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We get out menus shortly after the waiter rushes us to our table (he might've just been stressed or annoyed?). The place is dimly lit, almost in a romantic tone. Sampo “incidently” picked the table with a beautiful chandelier over it. The chandelier shines brightly, like an admiring glow. We are in our regular outfits here, but it almost feels weird not to be wearing fancy attire at this place.

I sigh quietly. How did I agree to this? It feels like both a dream and a curse. Nothing has gone wrong so far, so I might as well go along with it.
I read the entire menu but have no idea what to get. I look at Sampo, and he’s-
Already telling the waiter our orders?!
The waiter stumbles away. “Did u just..order for me?” Sampo grins with a toothpick in his mouth. “Had a feeling u desired the _____ ____.”
My eyes widened. That’s exactly the type of thing I would order. I had no idea they served it here. “I do know some things about you, Gepard. We’ve known each other for years, even tho until now it’s been a “chase and run” type of alliance,” Sampo declares. “So, tell me more about yourself pls.”

I’m surprised. I didn’t know Sampo ever wanted to know more about me. Hmm. I clear my throat.
“Well um, my full name is Gepard Landau. I have 2 sisters, one little sis named lynx and my slightly inconvenient eldest Serval-“ Sampo laughs, interrupting my sentence. “And what is so funny to you?”
“HAHA Im sorry, gepardd, but I didn’t know you were the middle child.”
“I am. So what?”

“I apologize. Please tell me more. How is it being with them?”
“Well, Lynx and I don’t talk much. Generally, I just protect her and keep her out of trouble since Belobog can be a dangerous place. Serval, on the other hand, carves her own path. She’s a mechanic. And, she has an electric guitar that she insists on taking everywhere. Despite her personality kind of  contrasting from mine in several areas, she’s a wonderful sis to me, and I love her for it. In fact, we met with each other today to catch up on each other’s lives.”

I decides to not tell him about the part of that chat where I spilled my feelings for Sampo to my sis. So instead, I told him what Serval has been up to since she’s been having more concerts lately from larger, more known places.

“Mmn, that’s nice for her,” Sampo mutters. I talked more about other stuff until I realized I had been rambling for 40 mins. The food wasn’t even done yet since they said they had a couple of problems since their understaffed.
I catch Sampo staring into my eyes. “Why are u looking at me like that?”
“None of ur business,” Sampo says, looking away.

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