The Protecters Ch.2

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Percy and Annabeth, as forever quest mates, set off to stop the Cyclops from possible destruction.

Percy and Annabeth, as forever quest mates, set off to stop the Cyclops from possible destruction

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Percy and Annabeth went to the oracle for a bit of knowledge on what will happen. When Percy went, it was Sally. "A wish will be granted, A fight will be stranded. A forever will begin, A suffer will win." The oracle said. Percy tried to make since of it but he remembered that he just has to let it come to him when he's ready. When Annabeth went, it was Athena. "A touch will bring love, A war will be won. Give a life, to save a life. Though there will be misery and pain, victory will be gained." The oracle said as it faded back into the old lady. Annabeth thought about it. Even though she thought she knew, it could mean anything.

They traveled with a bus again but ran into another monster. "The son of Poseidon!" It shriek as it ran towards Percy. Percy drew his sword and fought the monster. Annabeth hit the window open and said "Percy! Let's go before another one comes!" She said as she looked out the window. Percy pushed another one open. "Are you sure?! It's a very hard jump." He said nervously. "Just tuck and roll!" She said as she jumped out. Percy was scared but, he did it. They both fell with a roll. Percy dragged Annabeth off the road, to prevent getting hit. They both ran to the grass and ending up rolling down a hill. Percy stuck his sword in the ground as he caught Annabeth's arm. The sword slowed down the fall and Annabeth brought hers out to prevent the strain on Percy.

They both realized they were on the verge to falling in a water fall. They took their sword out and looked down. "Oh gosh." Annabeth said quietly. Percy looked at her and back at the waterfall. They soon heard rustling. They looked back and saw a monster chasing them. "Annabeth. We have to jump." Percy said as his breath picked up. Annabeth shook her head as she looked at him. "I'll get you. Just like last year. Just... Way higher." He said with a sigh. Annabeth bent down to jump. "Ready?" Percy said as he looked at her. She nodded as she crossed her arms. "3..." Percy began. "Now!" Annabeth yelled as she fell through the air. Percy followed her lead. She crashed into the water as she breathed out to prevent water entering her nose. Percy quickly brung her out of the water. She breathed heavily as she flicked her hair back. Percy chuckled and asked "You okay?" Annabeth looked around as she grinned. "Yeah." She said with a small chuckle as she looked at Percy. Percy smiled and took her on her back as they swam to shore.

They were a bit cold but they held each other to stay warm. They traveled a very long ways. Percy stopped and took Annabeth on his back as she started coughing from the cold. "Thank you." She said quietly. "You're welcome." He said as she rested her head on his. "I guess you and the cold don't really get along." He said softly. She chuckled. "I guess not." She said softly.

After traveling for one long day, Annabeth and Percy finally reached the Cyclops. When they walked into the room, they saw another with a few monsters. "Ti kánoume?" Percy whispered. "They mimic. There's no point in a different language now." Annabeth whispered. "Oh. So, we just have to be like mice?" Percy whispered. "If that's what you'd like to refer to." Annabeth whispered with a smile. Annabeth studied the Cyclops and the monsters. She knew what she had to do to save camp.

When they walked into the room, they saw another with a few small monsters. "What do we do now?" Percy whispered. "They mimic. There's no point in a different language now." Annabeth whispered. "Oh. So, we just have to be like mice?" Percy whispered. "If that's what you'd like to refer to." Annabeth whispered with a smile.

"Percy. I'll take out the Cyclops, you take out the monsters." She said quietly as she got up and walked away. Percy grabbed her hand and pulled her back. "Annabeth, it's not safe." He said as he got worried. "It's not safe for either of us." She said as she tried to walk away again. Percy lightly grabbed her waist and pulled her back. "Just promise me you'll come back. I almost lost you." He said with a sad expression. "I can't let that happen." He said quietly he began to get emotional. Annabeth just stared into his eyes, knowing that this could end her. Percy thought she was going to punch him or something.

She put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him as she closed her eyes. His eyes closed as the kiss deepened. They slowly broke apart and smiled. Annabeth looked down at a puddle of water. She dipped her thumb in it and rubbed it on Percy's scar on his face. She gently pat the water away with her shirt. Percy's heart melted followed by a sigh. "If you make it back... You can expect another." She said with a smile. Percy chuckled. "I'm making it back." He said as he nodded. They both chuckled and Annabeth walked away as she put on her invisible cap. Percy just smiled. She looked at him, took her cap off and kissed him on his cheek. "Bye." She whispered as she ran away. Percy just drifted off in love. He soon remembered he had monsters to kill.

Percy and Annabeth fought their enemies. Percy killed the last monster and ran to help Annabeth. She was drawn away while fighting a huge Cyclops. Percy stayed back and fought the other cyclops. Right when the Cyclops was about to kill her, she dogged the swing and stabbed it in the back. It roared as it fell to dust.

She went to go help Percy. "Percy! Are you okay?" She asked as she put her hands on his jawline and looked at every inch of his face. "Annabeth. You have to go back." He said as he pushed her. "No! Why?!" She said as she walked back. A huge monster appeared from the shadows. When she saw it, she pushed Percy. Percy pushed her into a small cell with a large clear glass window and he locked it. "Percy! Unlock the door!" She yelled as she banged on the window. "I can't." He said softly. "Percy, please! Please don't do this!" She yelled as she banged on the door and began to cry. "I got this." He said as he put his hand on the window, facing Annabeth's. "No! You don't!! Not on your own!" She yelled as she pushed the window with her shoulder, trying to break it. "I'm sorry." He said as he clicked a button that made the window turn into a shade, causing Annabeth to see only a dark blur of what's happening. "Percy! Percy!" She yelled as she banged on the door. She thought quickly as she got her sword, put it through the little crack, and kicked it as the lock broke, opening the door.

She ran to Percy but was pushed by a Cyclops. She grunted as she hit the ground. She quickly picked up a random thick stick and stabbed its neck before it hurt her. She got up when a gush of cold wind blew, making her shiver. A dark figure appeared. Annabeth knew right away, it was the Yuzli monster. The monster that makes things possible, but always with a sacrifice.

"Sacrifice yourself... And he will not die, and live forever. It's your choice." The dark monster said with a deep and low voice. She took her necklace off and put in her bag. "I have never broke a promise, and I won't start now." It whispered in Annabeth's ear.

She suddenly saw many images of how the monster kept its promise. She saw Luke. The monster kept his promise to rebel against the Gods, although Luke sacrificed his trust. "It's your decision. You can save Percy's life. But, you have to give your own." He said to her as the cold air faded away. Annabeth remembered the prophecy.

'Give a life, to save a life. Though there will be misery and pain, victory will be gained.'

' <==========================================>

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