Chapter 4

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Written by the awesomely wonderful @sweetbratt

Jessa's pov

Ok girl get your shit together! And get some damn leverage back. You just let that man run the show. Now ya gotta pray it don't go to his head. But it was to late.

I couldn't help but smile to myself as Brantley showed me his kimber. He thinks I don't know what I'm doing. So here's my chance to deflate his ego a bit. "Here darlin slip these on and I'll show ya how to handle this beauty." He told me handing me some ear plugs. Slipping them in I step between him and the table with all the ammo. I could hear Jake and Ben laughing behind me. "What the.." was all B could get out before I aimed down range at the metal targets and empty both revolvers. It sounded like a shoot out at the o.k. corral.

When I set the kimbers back in their holsters, which were on Bs hips at the moment, I was beyond pleased with myself. I hadn't shot a hand gun in 6 months and I think I only missed 3 out of 12 shots. And of course I was admiring what is now MY man and his jaw that was now on the floor!

"What the... where did all that come from?" B asked with a smitten grin. "Dude you coulda warned me." B joked with Jake. "Well how the hell am I suppose to warn you when I didn't know; its not like she would tell me who she was drooling overseas and it's not like you asked man! " Jake snarked trying to fight back a laugh.

"Last time I checked I don't have to answer to you. " I snipped at Jake. "And I don't have to tell you everything all at once. There's no fun in that. Besides, I kinda like that surprised look." I said playing with Brantleys beard. "Easy now Jessie-girl." Ben tells me with a playful voice. "Don't go gettin to over confident with that one. You forget I spent 10+ years on the road with that guy. You might have met your match." "Ya what he said." Jake added as if he's seen oh so much.

"I don't know if you two have noticed, but I'm not scared of this big lug." I tell them pushing past Brantley to sit on one of the patio chairs. "And you two act like I wouldn't take care of her, or that I'm some man whor." B griped at them as he picked me up out of the chair and placed me on his lap. "But I think you should prove to these knuckle heads you can hold your own, and come on the ride with me next weekend."

"Gee what a hell of a first date." I heard someone say from the patio door. Before I could turn around B was getting shitty with whoever it was; "oh shut it Kolby, you're just pissed cuz your girl is to much of a priss and doesn't want to go. Now she's givin you shit for going with me." I couldn't help it. I know you're not supposed to get into fights when siblings are going at it but I had to. So I put my two cents in, "And if I had a problem with it I damn sure would say somethin but it sounds perfect to me. Plus it will get me an excuse to put some more miles on my soft tail." I added that last part in just to get another dig at Kolby, but what I did was disappoint B. "You mean you don't wanna ride with me? " he asked giving me an over exaggerated puppy dog face. "Dud you're pathetic and you ain't even got none yet." Kolby thought he was bein all big an cool with his comment but all he did was pissed me off. Jake tries to stop me but failed. I had jumped up off Bs lap before he could do anything and was in kolbys face. "Lets clear this shit up right now! " I growled at him. "How or when I do or don't decided to take care of my old man is absolutely none of your concern! Just because your bitch has you whipped doesn't mean he will be." I pointed at B. "Lets not get shit twisted either. If I could walk all over him I wouldn't want him. So I guess that means he's not you since you're obviously the pathetic one. She's called you how many times? Cuz I know I've seen you send at least two calls to voice mail. Truth is you're just pissed he's got an ol lady that rides and won't try and change him." By the time I had finally stopped yelling at Kolby B was behind me with his hands on my hips. "How about we go for a ride so you can cool down darlin." He said kissing the side of my head. "And how bout you learn to keep that mouth shut so she don't split it open for ya." B growled at Kolby as he lead me by the hand to the garage. He was right I almost instantly relaxed when he fired up his bike and I hopped on behind him.

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