Chapter 6

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Still Brantley's POV:

Jake followed me outside onto the back porch. When I turned to face him, we were toe to toe. I looked down at him as he puffed out his chest. "Jake, we gotta talk man. What's going on?" I asked easily. "Nothing. Where'd you take my little sister Brantley?" He growled. "Sit down kid. I didn't bring you out here to fight with you." I told him and motioned to the chairs. "No! You're gonna tell me where you took my sister!" He yelled. "Watch your tone Jake... I ain't some little boy who's gonna buckle under when you bow up. If you wanna step up to me, you'd best be ready for that son. I'm a grown ass man Jake... Learn your place. Now sit your ass down." I stepped into his personal space, looking down at him as I squared my shoulders. He finally sighed and sat. I sat as well and turned to him. "Talk. Start from the beginning. What the hell's going on?" I told him. "We're all each other's got. Our dad died when Jessa was practically a baby. Our mom wasn't ever worth a shit. I had to be there. I had to make sure she was ok. Then in college... Let's just say there was an incident.." I stopped him there. "I'm aware of all that Jake. Jessa told me about what happened." I told him. He jerked his gaze to me. "She told you?! Even I don't know what happened. She called me freaking out saying that she out someone in the hospital. To this day, I still don't know if that son of a bitch actually-" he choked on a sob. "He didn't Jake. She's alright. He didn't hurt her like that brother." I assured him. He sagged in relief. "But what if she's just saying that? How do we really know?" He asked me. "Jake if he violated her like that, do you really think that Jessa would be so comfortable around a big, aggressive, mean-lookin sum bitch like me? Honestly?" I pointed out. He nodded. "This is true.. But anyways, after that, I just.. I don't know. It fucked me up man. Now, if anyone gets to close to her, or she's out of my sight for too long, I panic. If something happened to her, I don't know what I'd do." Jake sighed, his head in his hands. "I understand where you're coming from man, I do. But you've got to let her grow up sometime. She's a grown woman, Jake. Jessa is miserable, she feels like a prisoner in her own home. That's no way to live." I told him gently. "Man.. I don't know what to do. I want to lighten up, but when I try, I just freak the fuck out." Jake groaned. "Brother, this is me. You've known me long enough to know that I won't ever hurt that little girl. She's something special Jake. But you're clipping her wings man, you've gotta let her fly. You trust me don't you?" I asked him. "With my life B." He answered immediately. "Then trust me now, I won't hurt her. I'll treat her right. I'll protect her. I'll spoil her. There's nowhere safer for her than by my side. But.. I'm only going to say this one time. Back off Jake. Leave her be. Whatever happens between Jessa and I is none of your business. And don't ever.. I mean ever... Raise your voice to her or me again. I understand you were worried, but I won't tolerate that kind of disrespect kid." I told him gruffly. He nodded quickly. "No, you're right. I'm sorry Brantley, I really am. I'll do better, I'll step back and let her make her own decisions. I'll let her live her life." He said. I nodded once and held out my fist. He bumped his knuckles with mine and we headed back inside. Jessa was just coming down the stairs, and when she saw Jake she sighed, her shoulders tensing. She ducked her head, waiting for him to scold her. "Hey sis, how was your nap?" He asked, shocking us all. "Umm... Good..." She said, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He nodded and kissed her forehead, heading to sit on the couch. Jessa looked on confused. I sat in my recliner and patted my lap, she came and sat, curling up against my chest. "What the hell? I was waiting to get the third degree." She whispered. "I handled it. Everything's ok now, Jake and I had a nice little talk." I told her, nodding my head in approval at Jake.

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