Chapter 22

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Written by the talented sweetbratt

Jessas pov

Miranda and I have been texting back and forth like crazy since the awards show. She and Carrie have decided I need to be in the video and do a live performance with them ! I'm more worried about the live show than I am the video. I've never sang in front of more than ten people. Their will be hundreds of people at this show! B keeps telling me I'll be fine and to calm down but it doesn't help. I even tried to practice singing to him but that just turned into him pinning me against the closet door and reminding me who I belong to. And of course we now need new hinges for the poor door. B was so aggressive they broke. I'm just glad it was them and not one of my bones that snapped. He swares it was my fault. Said that my nails in his shoulders, along with my heals dug into his ass for leverage, and the way I was begging him to fuck me drove him wild. One of these days we will end up on the show sex sent me to the ER lol. One of us will be bleeding or have a broken bone.

And of course the drama with Jana hasn't died down yet. But I don't think that will happen until the suit is over. I'm not surprised B got the restraining orders, I saw that coming. I just didn't think he would follow through with this whole law suit. Guess his lawyer thinks he has a legit case that can be won. And after all the shit she has pulled I can't blame him. She did him dirty and now she's trying to milk the drama to stay in the lime light since her last album was a flop. The hilarious part was the media capturing her on video when she was served with the papers. It was all over the news and Facebook! The icing on the cake was when academy band her and Casey from any further shows because of their actions! So I guess I won't have to worry about running into either of them when I perform with Miranda and Carrie.

Speaking of, I need to pack a bag so B can take me to Nashville. I'm pretty sure we are filming the video and practicing this weekend. We won't do the live performance until this fall, thank god. So I haven plenty of time to practice,freak out, then calm down, and freak out again right before hand. I just hope I don't throw up, or fall down on stage. Or pull a Luke Bryan and fall off stage. Definitely have to make sure wardrobe knows I dont do heals. Well not in the traditional use any way. I ware them in bed for B but I can't walk in them. And God knows I usually can't walk after that man has had his way with me. But that's the way I like it :)

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