Chapter 7

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Written by the lovely @sweetbratt

Jessa's pov

We are supposed to leave for Arlington Virginia tomorrow morning and I still have no clue what I want to do. If I ride my bike I can pack more cloths and toiletries, but I really want to ride with B. On the other hand I don't want to push it with Jake. He's been a hell of a lot better since B talked to him, but I can see him struggling to give me space and stay our of my business.

Maybe I should talk to him myself. Tell him thank you for all he's done and all he's trying to do for me.

No time like the present, I thought to myself as I finished packing up the last of my things for the trip. Jake had been home for about 15 minutes so he should be out of the shower and in a decent mood by the time I put my bags in his truck.

Walking back in the house I found him rummaging through the fridge. We had agreed not to get a lot of groceries this week since we were leaving. I used that to my advantage. "How bout you put a shirt on and we can head to the diner for burgers and shakes." I told him while I put a few dishes away. "Sounds good to me. Plus no dishes to wash." He answered closing the fridge and heading to the laundry room for a shirt.

"Why are your bags in the back?" Jake asked as we pulled out of the drive way. "I'm going to ride with B." I told him bracing myself as I said the words. "Figured you would." Jake teased with a smile. Maybe he really is doing ok with all this.

"Look Jessa, I know we've not talked much about all this since everything went down at Brantley's." I cut him off before he started to ramble. "Jake wait just... , don't apologize. There's no need. I know why things have gone the way they have. I just want to say thank you. As much as its driven me crazy I know you've ment well. And I know me not opening up and not telling you the whole story made things worse. So I'm partly to blame. We are all each other has as far as family goes so I know you're going to worry regardless. So I'll make you a deal. I'll make sure you know where I am if you do the same for me. That way nobody comes home wondering where the other one is, or if they will be home that night."

"I can live with that. Plus it will be easier to bring chicks home if I know you won't be there."Jake said as he killed the engine and hopped out of the truck. I was kinda shocked. Not use to thing going this smoothly with him when it comes to my personal life or whereabouts. "What or who you do is nothing I want to know. Just keep them out of my part of the housr and let them know you have a sister. Cuz the first bitch that gets shitty with me thinkin I'm another one of you girls, or gets stupid and trashes my stuff, is going through the front door head first! " I told him as he opened the door for me. "Deal." He told me with a grin. "I'd say the same goes for you, but I got a feelin you won't be home much now that B is callin you his."

Jake kept cracking jokes while we were waiting on our orders. "Just tell B I'm not ready to be an uncle yet." That comment earned him a kick to the shins under the table. "Was that really necessary Jessa? "He whined rubbing his leg. "Yes, yes it was you ass." I told him digging into my burger. "The man is sexy and honestly I really Wanna jump his bones, but I'm gonna try and wait a while. Plus don't jinks me like that man.! " That threw us both into a laughing if an Jake almost choked on his milkshake. It was nice to finally have a somewhat normal relationship with my brother. Even if it took Brantley threatening to whip his ass to make it happen.

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