Chapter 26

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Written by the love sweetbratt

Jessa's POV

B had to go to the sheriff station when they carted Jana for violating the restraining order. That left me to finish up with the Google crew. Lucky me. We had at least a half hour of air time left and the host wasted no time getting to the nitty gritty with her questions. And of course the feed was blowing up with people who flipped over Jana. They wanted to know if she was actually arrested.
I lounged comfortably in Bs big leather recliner while the host sat all prim and proper on the edge of the matching leather couch.
Host: so what's it like being with a man like Brantley? Is he the dominant one or do you both share that roll? Don't take this the wrong way but you seam pretty head strong and a take no shit kinda female.
Me: men like Brantley need the kind of woman you just described. He's never flat out said why he and Jana split but as you can clearly see it didn't work out with him and a high maintenance, the world should kiss my feet, self centered, poor excuse for a woman.
The poor host was doing her best not to laugh. She was trying to stay neutral so she didn't get in hot water over anything that might be said. And it kinda worked. He face told all but she managed to keep her verbal opinions to her self.
Host: some of the viewers pointed out that you seam pretty comfortable in Brantley's chair and are wondering when you moved in.
Me: hell ya I'm comfortable this chair rocks.
We shared a laugh
Me: no seriously it rocks too, watch
I shifted my weight to make the chair rock and the host and I both busted up laughing. I know its cheese but I had to do something to calm myself down and B isn't here to do it for me so it was a last resort.
Host: are you going o answer the last part of the question for the viewers?
"Ya you gonna answer the lady Jessa-baby?" I heard Brantley s voice boom somewhere on the other side of the filming crew. When he stepped from behind all the gear I couldn't help but smile. Was this his way of asking me to officially move in ? Putting me on the damn spot in front of all his fans. I had to take a slow deep breath to calm my nerves. And to keep from attacking him on a live internet feed. It was really hard. Especially after he gave me that sly crooked grin of his as he leaned back against the hearth of the fire place.
"Well I guess I kinda already have moved in. All my girly bathroom junk is here, most of my cloths are here, the only thing missing is my fuzzy winter socks, some random chick food I like, and my dog. " I answered trying my best to be strong and not sink away into the tiny space between the cushions.

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