Chpater 2: New day, New school

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" blue...or maybe purple...No purple doesnt make my eyes pop" I thought.

Im trying to figure out what lipstick I should put on for the first day of school.

"I guess red, even though I wore it last year almost everyday" I said to myself, when my phone started ringing. "Oh gosh" I said.

It was just my boyfriend Darvin, or should I say ex boyfriend if I could ever sum up the courage to dump him.

I honestly dont know why im still with him. (I hung the phone up on him) I sat on my bed. For all of you girls out there, can you answer me one question...why do we stay with someone, whose done wrong to us? I cant even answer that myself.

My phone rung again, and this time I answered it.


"Hey babe" he said.

"I thought I told you dont call me that"

"Aww whay not?" he aked

"Darvin...dont play dumb"

"Im not, but anyway I cant wait to see you in havent called or hung out with me all summer" he said.

"And I wonder why..."

"Come on lexi, how many times do I have to say sorry" he said.

"Look, I dont know if  this is going to work"

"Please tell me your not breaking up with me" he said

"I honestly dont know what to do"

"listen, just forget about what you just said okay..see ya in school" he said as he hung up.

I continued to put my make-up on, then I went to my closet. "I guess, crop top with jeans and timbs will do" I said. Once I was done putting my clothes on, I let my hair flow down, Then left and headed to school.

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