Chapter 20: The Enchantress

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-Devin's POV-

As we were traveling back we decided to stop by the village of magic.

Its a village that is full of people with different elements and enchantresses as well. 

When we made it there, I had asked a lady can she put us up for the night.

She politely agreed and let us stay.

As she was guiding us there, people kept starring at us and backing away.

"Why are people starring at us?" James asked.

I looked at Lexi, who was still unconscious.

They probably can feel her power.

I dont blame them for being scared.

Her power has been increasing rapidly ever sense we left...and yet she still hasn't woken up.

The lady that was leading us, she's an enchantress.

Im sure she can feel it too.

When we made it to the house, I laid her down and covered her up.

I noticed the lady stood there.

"She wants me to follow her" I thought.

I got up and started to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" he asked.

"Watch Lexi" 

I followed her and she led me to her place. 

I watched as she grabbed some potions and stuff, then she started mixing them in a wooden bowl.

"That child..." she started.

"Im sure you sensed it like everyone else in this village"

"Indeed I did. I can also sense that you are different...a vampires blood flows through you, but not only that, I see you have powers as well." she said.

"Yeah well tell me something I don't know" 

"That girl...she will kill you, and that young man. Then she will die" she said

"What are you talking about?"

"She will lose herself, I can sense that" she said.

"No!...I won't let her"

"It will happen...although" she stopped.

"Although what?"

She grabbed the bowl as we started to walk back.

"There is a way to save her" she said.

"How...tell me. How can I save her?"

When we made it back; before we walked in she said "By sacrificing your own life...But it will only work if she truly cares for then only by dying will she understand true pain and heartbreak. Then the evil in her will disappear by her own strength". Then she walked in before me.

I stood there speechless. 

"This is stupid...Why her. Why not me!" I thought. 

I came to my senses and walked in.

When I walked in, she was giving Lexi something while she was still unconsious.

"Hey what are you doing, she can't take that while being unconscious"

"I know what Im doing" she said, as she continued. 

James had then came up to me.

"So do you mind explaining" he said.

"Explaining what?"

"Who is The Evil Painter to Lexi?" he asked.

Here we go.

"Don't worry about it"

I continued to stare at Lexi who still didn't wake up.

"...Okay, Then I guess you won't mind me saying something to her about this" he said.

"What are you rambling on about?"

"Im just saying. I can easily tell her what he said" he said.

I Quickly pinned him to the wall "You better keep your mouth shut!"

"Shhh, I have to concentrate" The lady said.

"Well..If you don't want me to say anything, I'd advise you to start talking" he said smirking.

I swear I can't stand him.


We both had stepped outside.

"What you heard is the truth, he is her father"

"And she doesn't know that..Why doesn't she know?" he asked.

"I couldn't exactly tell her"

"And why not?" he asked.

"If she was to find that out, she would probably be furious and on top of that try to talk some sense into him" 

"...Yeah that does make sense. Does the king know that?" he asked.

"Yes James, he does"

"Okay..but one thing doesn't make sense though. How is she the princess if she's not the King and Queen's daughter?" he asked.

"Because...because her father is or was the actual king. Until he became Evil. The king now is his brother. So that makes--"

"The King is her uncle, now it makes sense. But why is he evil now, what happened?"

"I don't know James. if I knew I would--"

"DEVIN!" I heard 

I quickly ran back in the house, and went towards her.

"Lexi. Lexi I'm right here, I'm right here"

-Lexi POV-

The visions kept replaying and replaying in my head.

It was the same over and over.

Me seeing James crying, Devin in a pile of blood, and me screaming. 

It just won't stop.

I could feel my power getting stronger and stronger every time it replays.

I feel like I want to destroy everything, I feel....


"Lexi" I heard.

Who is that?

"Lexi wake up, Im here" i heard



I slowly began to open my eyes.

When I could clearly see, I looked around and saw Devin, James and a lady.

I tried to sit up; Devin helped me.

"Wha-whats going on"

Devin and James just smiled at me.

"Nothing just nothing" Devin said.

Then he embraced me.

"Im happy your okay" he said.

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