Chapter 24: Final Battle part 1

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After being escorted out of lexi's room, I quickly went back to the king.

Walking in James looked at me, and I noticed the king was gone.

"Where is he?"

"They both had business to take care of" he said.

I didn't say anything, instead I started walking away until...

"Can we talk about this?" He asked.

"There's nothing to talk about"

"There is, look I wouldn't have said anything if I would have known she was standing there" he said.

I was mad at the fact he said something and she heard, but I can't blame him.

He didn't know she was there, I couldn't even sense her.

Now that I think about why couldn't I sense her?

"I'm sorry Devin, I truely am" he said.

Before I could say something we heard guards running towards us hurt.

"What happened?

"The princess, she--she escaped" he Said.

"I knew this would happen"

"Now what? James asked.

"I can probably catch up with her sense I'm fast. You just tell the king and then meet me north from here"

"North?" He questioned.

"I sense very powerful evil there. There's no doubt that he's there. Now hurry"

He quickly ran to get the king and I took off to stop Lexi.

-Minutes later-

When I finally reached where she was The Evil Painter and Lexi were already fighting.

-Lexi POV-

When he had thrown his next moved, I quickly tried to dodge it, but was blown across the ground.

I could feel my anger growing inside me..but I didn't care.

I had then summoned lightning in my hand and charged towards him.

Getting closer I ended up missing.

He's too strong even for me.

"You are truly my daughter I can tell you that" he said.

"WHY! Tell me why you left me and mom alone?"

"Simple I wanted power. With power, I could control everything" he said.

"So you just abandoned us?"

"I wouldn't call it abandon. I think of it as didn't want to be with you any more" he said.

He then threw fire balls towards me and I quickly dodged them.

"Besides your mother didn't even care" he said.

"...Your wrong, mom did care. She always told me that you were a great father and husband to her"

"...She did?" he asked.

"Yes she did. Mom misses you dad, and I miss you too"

Once I said that, he grabbed his head as if in pain.


"AHHHHH!!!...Lexi...Help me!" he hesitated.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Then all of a sudden he started to attack me again.

"Your dad is gone" he said.

Right then and there I knew that someone or something took over him.

I was lost for words...until his final hit struck me through my stomach.

I fell down to my knees in pain.

"Im tired of waiting" he said as he took both his hands and touched my head.

Wondering what he was doing, my whole body grew numb, and the visions I kept having came back, but this time they were intense, the screaming was loud and the blood was flowing heavily.

I couldn't help but scream.

-Devin POV-

As I was watching, I saw that he had placed his hands on her.

"What in the world" I whispered.

...Then I saw her scream.

I quickly sped over there.

Running towards her, The Evil Painter stepped back and whispered "Finally, now the real battle begins", his eyes were bloody red.

I was about to touch Lexi, but stopped when I felt very intense anger and evil within her.

I slowly backed away.

Backing away, She got up slowly and looked at me.

When she looked at me, her eyes were red and her face was smeared with pure evil as she smirked at me...and before I knew it, she charged towards me and punched me so hard that I flew across the field and landed on the ground.

I grabbed my face in pain.

"Dang, her strength must have increased drastically.."

...Then I remembered something.


"That girl...she will kill you, and that young man. Then she will die" she said

"What are you talking about?"

"She will lose herself, I can sense that" she said.

"No!...I won't let her"


Remembering what the enchantress told me, I had to think of something quick or else...

"HEY! Devin!" I heard.

When I turned around it was James.

"Where's Lexi?" he asked.

When I looked around, she was fighting The Evil Painter.

"We have to help her" he said.

"NO!" but he didn't listen and charged towards him.

Getting up I quickly tried to catch up with him before it was to late.

Quickly catching up...A lion, Tiger, and bear had appeared from paint.

I looked from the direction they came, and The Evil Painter sent them my way.

"I won't let you interfere with her destiny" he said.

I looked at James who was still heading towards her.


He stopped and turned around...


....Then BOOM!

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