Chapter 4: My Nightmare

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once i came in the house, my mom came out to greet me.

"your home early"

"yeah. i didnt have to do hardly anything today" she said.

i nodded as i went in the kitchen grabbed a snack and went to sit on the couch.

"so, how was your first day of school?" she asked.

"it was fine i guess...has dad called yet?"

she looked down as she said "no"

Ever since my mom and dad divorced, my dad hasn't called me at all. everyday i asked has he called, and everyday the answer is no. sometimes i think she is lien because she doesn't want him bothering me, but then again i could be wrong.

"oh okay". I said as i grabbed my bag and went upstairs.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "dad where are you" i whispered.

My phone had vibrated, so I checked it.

"you have got to be kidding me" i said.

"hey sweetie. is everything okay" mom said as she walked in the room.

"when did you-"

"just now" she said.

I sat up and said "oh, but remember my best friend Tiana"

"yeah" she said

"well she posted and tagged me on Facebook saying, i just saw a lonely, lien depressed girl by herself today"

"did you reply?" she asked

"of course not mom, what is there to say"

She sat on my bed, then said "you know still never told me what happened with you two. I mean one day you guys are talking about a party, then the next day you come home mad saying Tiana is not you best friend no more"

"yeah I know and I'm still not telling you"

"sweetie, you can't keep this to yourself forever" she said.

"mom, if you don't mind..I don't want to speak with you about the past. the past is the past, leave to be"

"Lexi-" i interrupted her

"just get out!"

She stood up and said "you cant keep pushing me away".

"Yes i can, now get the heck out" I threw my pillow at her.

I don't know why, but every time she mentions my past, with Tiana or even Darvin...I just get to angry at her, and I can let it take over, all the time.

"Lexi we are not going to go through this every time i ask you about Tiana, I will not keep tolerateing this kind of behavior nomore" she said.

"Fine then don't, I never asked you to" I didn't mean to, but i ended up raising my voice at her. oops.

"Okay thats it, your grounded, which means no going or hanging out with friends this week" she said.

"oh sure mom, go ahead and ground me, it ain't like I got friends anyway...oh and while your at it, why don't you take my phone too"

"I have taken your phone plenty of times, and it seems me taking it doesn't solve anything" she said as she began to walk out.


I grabbed my pajama's and went into the bathroom. "looks like I'm skipping dinner" I thought.

I looked in my pocket and found Devin's number.

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