Drunk in SUGAR

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Wasabi: (*throwing down some books in satisfaction*) There, it's done.

Rapunzel: (*looks up*) Huh? What's done?

Wasabi: I've got a whole lot of research done lately. (*beams as he picks a book up*) And they are ALL ABOUT GETTING GOOD GRADES WHILE KEEPING SANE! (*glares at Fred*) Hmm. Might as well get that out of the way so that we don't get hard feelings.

Fred: Hey! When was I ever, um, NOT sane? (*glares back*)

Wasabi: Um, since you started laying out all of these COMIC BOOKS HERE! (*points to the floor, where millions of comic books were splayed out onto the floor*)

Rapunzel: Oh come on! You blame Fred here for spilling out so many comic books? I suppose he was doing some research, okay?

Fred: (*gulps*) Um, yeah! I was just reading some "Attack on Titan", ya know. (*shrugs*) DenkaiZatsuzen sent us a dare in regards to this...um...fandom.

Me: (*groans and buries head in hands as I turn away from the screen*)

Anna: Hey Clara? You okay?

Me: Stuff's been happening. (*waves a hand off*) I'm fine.

Elsa: Really? Doesn't look like it. You gotta let it go. (*creates some more snow flurries*)

Hiro: Elsa, what's up with you and snow flurries? (*shivers*)

Elsa: Oh, I don't know. (*shrugs*) You'd better ask me what's up with me and Olaf.

Olaf: (*bounds into the room with cookies and candy*) Hey everyone! Ooh, I hope we got some good news today! More dares, I hope?

Eugene: (*laughs as he takes a cookie*) It seems like our dear friend and author here has been very busy lately with stuff. But I hope she's coping.

Me: Oh you want to know what's happening? I've got the part-time job to work at my school library in the fall, but I FAILED my driving test--MY FINAL LEVEL to get full licensing--and now my phone is in the dump! Or I think it is. (*brightens up*) Though on the bright side, I FINALLY got to watch "Newsies" AND go to the Rocky Mountains!

Tadashi: (*looks impressed*) All in one week? Or just while you were gone?

Me: All while I was gone. "Newsies" I watched with my family a while ago.

Gogo: Was it good?

Me: HELL YEAH! IT WAS AMAZING! HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! BIG TIME! (*grins and starts dancing and singing*)

Honey Lemon: It seems like you've been quite an enthusiast over that, Clara. I've read your two-part one-shot, ya know. "Something to Believe In"?

Me: Oh. Yeah. Right. Heh. (*clears throat*) Though I still have to research on what the hell "Attack on Titan" is. Fred, you have any ideas?

Fred: (*gulps*) Um, not at the moment.

Me: Guess we'll have to put the dare off till later. (*shrugs*) Sorry, DenkaiZatsuzen .

Eugene: Hey Clara, I see more dares.

Olaf: YAY! I KNEW we got dares! (*cheers*)

Me: You might want to put down your plate of sweets there, Olaf. One of the dares wants us to head to Candy Land and eat whatever candy there is.

Anna: (*turns to Elsa*) You know what I'm thinking?

Hiro: (*pumps a fist in the air*) YEA! WOOHOO! She read my mind! I WANT GUMMY BEARS!

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now