Some more dares and questions to pass the time

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So I have come to the decision that I have to do some other dares while I think of how exactly to write up the dare that honeyhamaadaa sent me. I mean, I know I kicked off the intro, but how to write it and when would be the question. Definitely not any time soon though. 

Sorry about that.



Me: (*groans as I come in*) Who knew that I would have one assignment, two midterm exams, and three Author Games entries to write up and prepare for in the span of a week?

Kristoff: (*stops playing his lute and looks up at me*) Are you really that busy, Clara?

Me: What do you think? Of course I am! It's midterm season once more at Waterloo, and...I am not ready for any of this. I wish I could just make things simple, but's just...too ideal. (*sinks on the bed beside Elsa*)

Elsa: (*pats my back*) Just take a break once in a while, Clara. And then when you're ready, go back to the books and give it your all. I know you can do it!

Rapunzel: (*nods*) I have faith in you too, Clara. You can do this! You got this.

Me: (*smiles faintly*) Thanks guys. Thanks.

Fred: (*scrolls on his phone*) So apparently we've got a TON more dares to do apart from Honey's, right? Not our Honey Lemon but honeyhamaadaa .

Gogo: Wait, we do? (*yanks his phone from his hand and squints*) Oh no. Oh of course we do. A few questions and everything. First we have a question from cute_hybridwolf_girl for Big Hero 6 and Tadashi: If you could sacrifice yourself, who would it be for and why? (*chuckles*) Easy. Well, not really.

Olaf: (*comes up with Mochi and Pascal*) Well, an act of true love does thaw a frozen heart. It proves yourself over and over.

Tadashi: You've got a good point there, Olaf. (*nods and pats his back*) Um. I would probably do it for Clara. (*blushes a little as he turns to me*) What else would I do for my wonderful wife? 

Me: (*smiles back at him*) Aw. Always thinking about me. I'm touched.

Fred: I'd do it for my comic book heroes! (*jumps up*) Anything to get my name in a comic book starring me, and all my origin adventures!

Everyone: (*glances over at Fred*)

Fred: What? It's true! I love my comic book heroes!

Wasabi: Well, you do know that Big Hero 6 was created for Tadashi, right? So I'd unanimously say that we'd all do it for Tadashi.

All of Big Hero 6: (*nods*)

Tadashi: Aww, you guys. (*opens his arms playfully for a hug*) You guys are too much.

Baymax: (*waddles in as everyone else hugs Tadashi, and squishes them all in one major sandwich hug*) I can never be too much. I am a robot.

Hiro: (*chuckles*) It's just an expression, Baymax. Though I might answer the question a little differently. If I have to sacrifice myself, it would be for Tadashi...and Emily.

Anna: (*jaw drops*) You still have feelings for her, Hiro?

Hiro: What do you think? Of course I do! Even though I don't see her as often anymore, she still has a special place in my heart. (*smiles at all the cliche cheesiness he's saying*) So it's only fair.

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum