The Death of One

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Fred: Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows... (*starts singing off key and slinging arms around Kristoff and Wasabi*)

Wasabi: GET OFF ME, FRED! (*gets out of his random embrace*)

Kristoff: Uh...yeah...totally...

Anna: What do you think of this, Baymax? (*holds up a necklace with Tadashi's healthcare chip and Hiro's fighting chip on the string*)

Baymax: (*blinks and nods*) That looks very unique, Anna.

Anna: Thanks! Rapunzel helped me too! (*gives Rapunzel an encouraging hug*)

Me: (*comes in, solemnly*)

Honey Lemon: HEY CLARA!!!

Me: (*looks up in mock surprise*) Oh. Hi. (*looks for Tadashi, and finds him reading a textbook*) Tadashi? Can I talk to you for a moment?

Tadashi: Sure. (*goes out with me*) So? What's up?

Hiro: This had better be good. (*creeps to the door*)

Everyone else: (*also leans against the door, eavesdropping*)

Me: So...what's up, you ask? A lot of things. (*takes a deep breath*) Look, I've got a whole lot of things to worry about right now, and I don't want to keep fantasizing about this anymore. We've been good, but I got other things to worry about, and with you always in the way of things, I might as well try to get you out of it, and this is the only way. Tadashi... (*looks away*) We're over. 

Tadashi: (*eyes widen*) W-what? We're OVER?! Clara, you can't!

Me: (*nods*) We've had good times, we've had bad times...but there has to be a time now where I got to snap out of it. And not to mention...I think I'm pregnant. 

Tadashi: NO WHAT?! (*runs a hand in his hair nervously and breathes hard*) No...are you actually being serious with me?!

Me: (*nods, glaring at him*) And because of your stupid recklessness, I've got to schedule an abortion above all of my stupid other school commitments! You think I WANTED to be like this? You really think I wanted this to happen?! (*starts sobbing*) I'm sorry, Tadashi, but I don't want a child right now, and I want to focus more on school. And I can't take any more of this--this--recklessness that just came about. (*slaps him*) We're DONE! There will be NO MORE CLADASHI, okay? WE'RE OVER! AND DON'T COME LOOKING FOR ME! (*pushes him away from me and runs downstairs*)

Tadashi: CLARA!! WAIT!!!

Me: STAY AWAY FROM ME!! (*runs outside*)

Tadashi: (*stops at the door and collapses, sobbing*)

Kristoff: Hey...everything okay? (*goes over and puts a hand on Tadashi's shoulder*)

Tadashi: (*shakes head*) N-n-n-no... (*sobs*) She and I...we're done...we're over...

Anna: (*widens her eyes*) So...that's the end of Cladashi?! WHAT?!?!?!!!!

Rapunzel and Honey Lemon and Gogo: (*starts crying*)

Kristoff: And that, my friends, ends our OTP. (*starts sniffling*)

Fred: Is it just me, or did someone chop an onion in my eyes? (*also cries*)

Baymax: I sense that Tadashi's neurotransmitter levels are very low. 

Tadashi: YOU THINK?! SHE BROKE UP WITH ME! SHE SAID WE'RE OVER!! (*curls up in a fetal position*)

Baymax: (*carries him up with ease*) Shall I lead you upstairs so that you can--

Tadashi: (*nods and sobs*)

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