Next Stop: ASIA!! (part 2)

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Reminder: This dare was from wonderfullgirly.

Me: Uh...where are we?

A random stranger: (*waves at us, grinning toothily*) Halo! Apa kabar? (Hello! How are you?)

Everyone: (*glances at each other*)

Elsa: Sorry, sir. None of us are Indonesian.

Baymax: Please excuse me while I retrieve the Indonesian language database. (*stands still for a moment*) Hari yang baik tuan. Kami sedang mencari set untuk Food Wars Asia. Apakah Anda tahu di mana itu? (Good day, sir. We're looking for the set of Food Wars Asia. Do you know where it is?)

Hiro: (*jaw drops*) Whoa. I didn't know Baymax could speak another language!

Rapunzel: Uh...I think I could be responsible for that. (*raises her hand*) I also had French, Chinese, Cantonese, Greek, Russian, Thai, Filipino, and Spanish. I didn't manage to get the Korean one in time.

Honey Lemon: That, my friend, is absolutely impressive. I can never speak Indonesian that fluently. Or any other language except Spanish!

Baymax: (*to the man*) Oh begitu. Terima kasih. (Oh I see. Thank you.) (*to me*) Did Sakura mention she would meet us somewhere?

Me: Uh...I--

Sakura: GUYS!! (*runs over to us*) There you are!

Everyone: Hey Sakura. (*waves*)

Sakura: (*giggles*) Did you guys manage to--

Hiro: Oh yeah. With the help of Baymax and his insane language skills. (*nods*)

Tadashi: Do you know where we're going, Sakura?

Sakura: Oh yeah! (*motions us to follow her*) Follow me!


Fred: Can that taxi hold that many people? (*glances at Baymax*)

Sakura: should. Come on! (*hops into the taxi, and everyone follows suit--I end up squished between Anna and Gogo in the middle*)

Wasabi: Someone mind explaining to us where we're going? (*fidgets between Fred and Hans*)

Sakura: (*to the taxi driver*) Bisakah Anda membawa kami ke set Food Wars Asia?? (Can you take us to Sari Bundo?)

Driver: Iya nih. (Yes.) (*starts the engine and we're off*)

Gogo: YEAAAAHHH! We're going fast!

Anna: I LIKE FAST! (*props her feet up on the seat in front of her*)

Wasabi: I think I'm going to be sick. (*opens the window and pukes*)

Emily: (*holding onto Hiro's hand and the window for dear life*) HOLY CRUD!!

Me: (*tries to keep a brave face*)

Hans: THIS IS WORSE THAN THE HOVERBOARDS!! (*gets tossed around over Wasabi and Kristoff*)

Kristoff: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! (*throws his hands in the air*)

Driver: (*after a few moments*) Di sini. (We're here.)

Fred: DISNEY!! (*cheers*)

Honey Lemon: (*shakes her head*) No, Fred. He's telling us we're here.

Baymax: That is correct, Honey Lemon. (*to the driver*) Terima kasih. (Thank you.)

Sakura: (*jaw drops*) Oh my god.

Tadashi: See what I mean by insane language skills? (*smirks at Sakura*)

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