Forgiveness (technically a part 2 to the last dare)

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Honey Lemon: (*wrings her hands in worry*) That did it! Cladashi's dead again, and this time, it's our fault! (*sobs*)

Hiro: (*shakes his head*) It's not your fault, Honey Lemon. Jamaria forced us.

Eugene: Does it really matter whose fault it is now? Clara probably won't speak to us ever again! (*pouts*)

Rapunzel: And if there could be anything's probably stopping this book forever!

Fred: NOOOOOOO! Not the end of this book! NEVER the end of this book! It's UNBEARABLE! NOOOOOOOOOOO!! (*runs around in panic*)

Anna: So what can we do to diffuse it all?

Elsa: There is only one solution. (*holds out Honey Lemon's phone, where another of Jamaria's dares are written in the comments of Ask Cladashi*) And I'm sure Clara has read it.


Me: (*eventually calms down*)

Tadashi: You''re shaking.

Me: (*looks up at him with tear-glossed eyes*) Tadashi--

Tadashi: (*cuts me off with a finger on my lips*) Shh. I told you. I'm sorry. I overreacted and it probably hurt you.

Me: No. (*shakes head*) It was me. I...I was powerless! I couldn't st--

Tadashi: (*smashes his lips on mine*)

Me: (*eyes widen, but kisses him back*)

Everyone else: (*sighs happily*)

Fred: Seems like heaven enough for them already. No need to force them into a closet by this point. (*sighs and dreamily lays on the ground*)

Everyone: (*jumps back as Fred goes THUMP on the ground*)

Baymax: (*inflates and waddles over to the group*) Hello. (*picks up Fred*) Is Fred alright?

Everyone: Uh...

Hans: He seems okay, I guess? At least he's breathing. (*checks Fred's pulse*)

Baymax: May I ask what has happened?

Rapunzel: Well...wemayormaynothaveluredabotfightertoflirtwith--

Baymax: Slower, please. (*blinks*)

Eugene: Ah...uh...we lured a bot fighter here to flirt with Clara by wearing these costumes and pretending we were bot fighters! And then Tadashi was caught in the act at the wrong time and--

Baymax: I see. (*blinks as he looks out the window to see me and Tadashi*) So I see they have reconciled?

Kristoff: One can only hope they have. (*shrugs*)

Anna: (*lays her head on Kristoff's shoulder*) I do feel bad, you know.


Tadashi: (*takes me back inside*)

Everyone else: We're sorry!

Me: (*blinks*) What?

Gogo: Listen, we...we didn't mean to screw anything up, but it was a dare! We had to do it! (*glances down in guilt*)

Me: (*smiles wryly*) Hey. It's fine. It's okay. It was...unforgivable, but you're my friends! How could I not forgive you?

Elsa: So you're saying...

Me: Come on. I love you guys so much to just ditch you all like that. I know why you did it now.

Tadashi: Same goes for me, actually. I know why you did it. And I admit it pissed me off but--

Hiro: No, Tadashi. Let's not go there again.

Honey Lemon: So...we're good?

Me: (*nods*)

Everyone: (*GROUP HUG!!*)


Sorry, that was kinda necessary to provide some closure haha XD




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