Cute Muddy Piglets, Goriana Tomande, and...Fred's new CRUSH?!

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Tadashi: (*texts me*) Is she going to be okay? Gosh, I'm so worried about her. 

Kristoff: Chill out, Tadashi. You're not the only one fretting. She hasn't been around in a MONTH now!


Me: (*comes in, interrupting Fred's screaming*)

Fred: --911?

Anna: CLARAAAAA! (*runs over to me*)

Me: Whoa! Anna! Hey! (*laughs and hugs her back*)

Rapunzel: (*also joins in*)

Everyone: (*crushes me in a hug*)

Me: I missed you guys!

Rapunzel: Aww! We did too, Clara. (*lets go*) What happened?

Me: Well...a ton of things. that I literally mean a ton. (*sighs*) But I...don't really feel comfortable saying them here.

Elsa: (*raises eyebrows*) It's not just about Author Games though, isn't it?

Me: (*shakes head*) Not really. I mean, Rosella's dead. And Janet's still in the running. I'm not completely dead on AGs. But for school...that's a different thing altogether. I've just gotten so much worse at it. I've been transferred to a different program--and though I don't mind the transfer, I...I don't know. I sometimes feel like I've let my parents down. (*sighs and averts everyone's gazes*)

Tadashi: It won't be the end of the world, Clara. You've got so many other options out there, right? We're not angry. Your parents will understand. (*gingerly takes my hand*) And I'm sure you're going to find yourself an opportunity to get back in the game. Even if the future takes you in a totally different direction, it's not likely anyone would, you know...hate you for it. No matter what happens, you'll always be the amazing and wonderful Clara everyone has had the opportunity to get to know. 

Me: (*squeezes Tadashi's hand and looks at him*) think so?

Tadashi: Hey. I don't just think so. I know so. (*smiles*)

Me: (*smiles back*)

Honey Lemon: Hate to ruin the moment, but CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 FOLLOWERS CLARA! (*throws confetti out of nowhere*)

Elsa: Oh yeah! (*makes it snow*) Congratulations, Clara!

Me: (*nods*) Thanks!

Eugene: (*grins*) And judging from your return, I assume we got some dares?

Me: (*nods again*) Mhm!

Honey Lemon: Ooh! More dares! Let's hear them!

Me: Okay! So...bighero6geek2016 apparently came up with a dare for all the girls to roll around in mud. (*scrunches nose*) Which would then affect another dare that I'm planning to do tonight that would involve Gogo and a few of the guys.

Gogo: Wait, someone said my name? (*pops her bubble*) Why would that 'rolling in mud dare' affect me and that dare?

Wasabi: Thank goodness it isn't me. (*sighs in relief*)

Hans: (*pats Wasabi's back awkwardly*)

Hiro: Nope, so far it isn't for any of us. (*crosses his arms*) Hey, can I get gummy bears now?

Tadashi: (*frowns at Hiro*) Really, Hiro? Are gummy bears all you seriously care about?

Hiro: HEY! (*crosses arms*) NOT FAIR!

Me: Um...let's go outside then...


Elsa: Well. Looks like someone came prepared for our arrival. (*points at the HUGE mud puddle in the front yard*)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now