Confiding in them (NO DARES)

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Baymax: (*pats me on the shoulder*) You will be alright. (*hugs me*) There, there.

Me: (*bites lip and tries not to cry*)

Tadashi: (*comes over to me and offers me a hug*) Heard anything from your mom?

Me: (*nods*) She emailed me again the morning after the incident. I mean, Canadian morning, but China evening. Said the funeral would be tomorrow, and the cremation on the 9th. And I just kept thinking, "he doesn't deserve this!" (*tears start flowing from cheeks*)

Tadashi: Hey hey hey. (*hugs me*) Just remember that he lived a great long life. He must have given you a great impact. And hey, you're not doing too badly in school! (*gives me a hopeful look*)

Me: (*shakes head*) I'm failing. (*blinks and cries*)

Elsa: Hey, you know what helps me? Ever since I stopped isolating myself--

Wasabi: (*gives Elsa a shocked look*) You isolated yourself?! What?!

Elsa: I couldn't control my ice powers back then! Anyway, so since then, whenever I have trouble I would always talk with Anna. (*gives her a close side hug*)

Anna: Trust us, Clara. Talking it out helps.

Honey Lemon: We'll be here to help.

Me: (*nods and wipes tears*) Okay. So, uh, where do I start?

Fred: Start with the first day you saw your grandfather. Like, how old were you? What were your first impressions of him?

Me: (*smiles sadly*) I don't recall what my first reaction was when I first saw my grandfather. 

Fred: (*looks shocked*)

Me: What?! I was three years old! 

Fred: (*shrugs*) That makes sense.

Me: I do remember the time he and my grandmother came here though. I was eight years old. (*bolts up*) No wait. Five years old, when my sister was born--they came here, and my grandfather would play a lot of board games with me whenever I was bored and cranky.

Gogo: Cranky? Clara, I would never imagine.

Elsa: Gogo, cut her some slack! Her parents had to take care of her little sister! I remember when Anna was born, my dad had to make sure I was happy.

Me: Thanks, Elsa. (*chuckles*) Yeah, I remember him drawing some of my favourite characters from a TV show I used to love so much. 

Hiro: And it wasn't Disney, right?

Me: (*shakes head*) No, it wasn't. But he was such a good artist. I always tried to be like him sometimes when it comes to anything artsy. 

Honey Lemon: No wonder you edit on Instagram!

Everyone: (*nods*)

Me: That was only partially the reason. My grandfather was a photographer too. I've seen some of his photos throughout my life, and hey, they were so very well taken. Last summer--like last year before I started university--he would teach me a few interesting photo tips. Like what angle, what zoom, all that stuff. (*grins*) Thanks to him, last year Waterloo had a 24 hour photo contest, where we had to post photos of our daily life on one day on our social media, and I was in as one of the top 16 finalists out of over 920 photo submissions, they said.

Tadashi: (*jaw drops*) You're just as good as Honey Lemon then! I mean, wow! I never knew how amazing of a photographer you are!

Kristoff: Seems like we got our new selfie queen!

Me: (*shakes head*) HELL NO! I can't take really good group selfies! 

Everyone: (*laughs*)

Baymax: Clara's neurotransmitter levels are definitely elevating.

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang