Kidnapped by a vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.

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Chapter 16!

Sorry for all the grammar issues and everything. I was excited to upload an didn't sent this to my editor

Erin's POV

The next morning I woke up feeling better then last time. I looked at the clock and aw it was around 6 am but knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I settled on going for a shower. I slowly climbed out of bed and walked to the shower. I glanced at the mirror to see an entirly different person staring back me. My once brown locks were now pitch black and my hazel eyes at the moment would be bright blue when I placed the colored contacts. Then the makeup I experimented with last night would transform my already non-recongnizable self even more un-recongnizable. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I walked over to the shower and turned the water on to a mostly hot tempeture. The bathroom was soon mostly steam and I striped out of my clothes, eager to get clean. I was probably in the shower for more then an hour before I was started to wash. I finally stepped out into the cool air and scrubbed my skin dry. That's when I realized what today was and my eyes grew wide in excitment. I was going to get to see my family today. I ran to my closet where my suitcase was already packed and picked out an outfit, which would also disguse me. My normal style was jeans and a t-shirt with some make-up but my new wardrobe consisted of nothing but short skirts and casual but very flattering dresses. I could say I wasn't as excited about my new change in style because frankly it just wasn't me but I had no other choice. No one but Kris knew how I looked but he didn't even know of my wardrobe change. You're most likely wondering why I would change my style without being forced into it. Simple, it's necessary to make sure no one knows or even gets the idea that it could be me.

My outfit I picked out made me wrinkle my nose but I slipped on the short black skirt, fish nets, boots that reached my knee's, and a black and white striped shirt that had sleeves that came down to my elbow. Over all I looked pretty hot, not trying to be cocky but I knew I looked good and my newly colored black hair sealed the deal. I left it laying straight, but it looked better that way I think. I put in my contacts an applied my makeup, adding cherry red lipstick as the finishing touch and smirked. The boys were going to die. A knock on my door made my heart leap and my stomach squeeze nevously. Maybe I should change into something more appropriate...? No. I got up and went to the door before I could talk myself out of it and opened the door. I bit my lip as I saw Lane and Kris there, jaws on the ground and there eyes should have been there to as wide as they were. My nervousness vanished and I placed a smirk on my face. Practicing a personality to fit with my new style, which was total badass. "Like what you see?" I asked, spining to give them the full view. Lane composed himself first. "Oh, Hell No. Change. Now." He said sternly, giving me the big brother look but I saw something else in his eyes. Maybe I was imagining it but I think it was lust? No, he's like my brother. I had to have imagined it.

I smirked again. "No." I said simple. He raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" "No." I repeated. His eyes narrowed. " It wasn't an option. I said change." "And I said No. I'm plenty old enough to decide if I need to change or not and in order for me not to be recongnized, well this is the style I chose." I looked at him in all seriousness. "Don't worry about me, I know what Im doing." I smiled smally and gave him a hug. He sighed and hugged me back. "I still dont't like you dressing like some hooker." He said stubbornly but that look was still in his eyes, I was seriously going crazy if I thought Labne was lusting over me because that was just wrong. I removed those thoughts from my head and chuckled. "I know. I won't be alone at all while we're there though, okay? Kris will be there the whole time with me. I'll come back to you safely. I promise." I said lowly and smiled. He sighed again, blowing it out slowly in defeat. "You better." He said finally. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, leaving red lips behind. I snorted but didn't tell him, I figured he'd like to find it himself. Then he'd curse me for not telling him, I smiled at the thought and then turned me attention to Kris.

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now