Kidnapped by a vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.

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*HOLA! Well I looked at yaws comments, thanks for them btw,

and some of them are very interesting. Some people are thinking Kris is great!..others say Ray is great! Those are very interesting conclusions! I did want to ask you guys, my lovely fans(:, to read this other story called "Rules to being kidnapped. . .p.s.I don't recommend trying it!" By Chelephant. It is AWESOME! and I would love yaw to check it out! It's a great break from all things supernatural and just a great story! So when you get a chance go check it out!!(:Well here you go! The next chapter!! [:

Recap: Kris kissed my fore head. "Sleep well, Princess." He said. He started to get off the bed but I grabbed his shirt to stop him. I didn't want to be alone just in case Ray came back. "Stay." I requested. I heard him chuckle and then he crawled under the covers with me and pull me close to him. I layed my head on his chest and hugged him tightly, then fell into a deep needed sleep.

Kris's POV: I laid there holding her securely in my arms, watching her sleep. She looked like an angel, so beautiful. My smile slowly faded as I thought about yesterday. She was acting really weird. I love her so much. I don't want to lose her. I smiled as I thought that. Pshh. I ain't going to lose her, she belongs with me and she knows it. Plus she is way into me. I'm probably just being paranoid about there being something wrong. I kissed her head and then closed my eyes again.

Surprise POV: I was driving to my cousin Ray's house on a surprise visit. I hope the boys don't mind sharing that extra room they have with me. I smiled. Ha! They hate me but they will get over it. I was about ten minutes from his place. I pressed the accelerator into the floor to go faster.

Ray's POV:

I was sitting in the library when I heard the faint knock on the door. I wasn't expecting any guests. I got up and use my inhuman speed to go to the door. Lane and a few of the other guys are standing there with questioning looks. I just shook my head at them. I opened the door and immediately bow to my cousin, the prince, Mason. He chuckles, I've told you before not to bow for me cuz." He said. I straighten as do the others. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and look up to see Kris coming down the steps. He looks at the door and froze before quickly bowing. I turn back to Mason. "What are you doing here, Mase?" I asked. He faked disappointment, "Can't family make a surprise visit?" He asked. I sighed, "Of course they can but I just wish you would have called and warned us. The house is a mess." I lied.

Mason just smirked, I do not mind but I was wondering if it would be to much to ask if I can stay here for a little while. My father is being unreasonable and I need a break." He said. "Uh. We would but we already have a guest in out only guest room." Kris beat me to answering. Mason's smirk faded, "And who might be occupying the guest room?" No one answered. Mason sighed, "I don't want to be an ass but don't make me ask again." He said. "What's going-" I heard Erin's voice break off as she saw Mason in the doorway. I turned around to see her on the stair case. She had put her hair into a messy ponytail and was in sweats and a big tee-shirt. She looked beautiful. "Shit." I heard her mutter. I looked back to Mason to see he had a surprised and amused expression on his face. What's going on? Do they know each other. I looked at Kris to see he was looking between Erin and Mason with the same expression. Mason was first to speak, "It's good to see you Erin." He said with a smirk. "I'm glad I can't say the same. If you will excuse me." She said and walked back up the steps. Well this was going to interfere with my plans. I thought frowning.

Erin's POV

*5 minutes earlier*

I woke up to find the bed next to me empty. Kris probably went to the kitchen or something. I shrugged it off. I got up and went into the bathroom. The person in the mirror scared me for a second before I was me. I laughed at myself. Geez I'm jumpy this morning. I wash my face and then threw my hair into a messy ponytail. I noticed I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I think I will wear something that shows just how lazy I'm feeling today.

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now