Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.

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(Hey everyone!! Well since I said I would try and upload faster, still working on it!Thanks for being sooo patient with me!! Btw, Here is chapter 6. I got some comments that said they wanted me to describe what the guys looked like to you! Sorry about that. I kinda feel stupid for forgetting one of the most important parts of the story! So, im going to describe what the guys look like in this chapter! yaY! So just Comment and Vote! Enjoy) 

Recap: (Erin's P.O.V) 

I lifted my head and groaned. This could not be happening again. It had been. What? A day or two since Ray had sucked my blood and then he tried to rape me and... and... everything from last night came falling down on me...again. Great! How many times is a vampire going to try to kill me? I sighed as I answer my question. This is only the beginning. The pain was horrible and I finally blacked out and the pain went to a numb feeling.

Chapter 6- 

When I finally woke up again, I still felt pain but it was manageable. I let out a sigh and opened my eyes only to see ten eyes staring at me intently. It was kinda freaky, until I relize it was just the guys. "Hey." I said slowly, testing my voice. My throat was dry and it was cracking. I looked over to see Ash coming towards me with a glass of water. I looked him over closely, never really seeing him before. He had a kind face with blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. His body was lean and he had some muscel. He was wearing jeans and a button up shirt. He looked country but in a really sexy way. He handed me the glass and I chugged it, muttering a thank-you. I looked around the room taking in each guy. They were all good looking. This was the first time I had a chance to get a real look at them without them being all up on me or trying to kill me. I started with Ash, since he was on the outside of the ring of boys around my bed. 

The person next to Ash, was Brad. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was very thin and he didn't look very strong but if you looked closely, you could see muscels on his scrawny arms. Sammy stood next to him. Sammy, I think was one of the cutest guys there. He had shaggy jet black hair that hung slightly over his purplish-blue eyes. Like all the guys, he was really tall, which I didn't mind! He had an emo feel to him but he worked it. I blushed just thinking of it and turned my attention to Ray. He was pale and dark green eyes with shaggy brown hair. I had already felt and saw his muscels, I shuttered at the thought and moved on. He saw me shutter and looked down, guilty. The twins were next, they had shaggy blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. They had high cheek bones and they were very muscular. Lane, standing next to them, had shaggy brown hair with blonde highlights. He had olive green eyes and had a skater-boy look. He looked pretty good too! My eyes moved from Lane to Eric. He had cat-like colored eyes and black cropped hair. He was really pale and also had high cheek bones. I looked at Kyle next, he smiled shyly at me and I did the same. He had spiked-up brown hair with black highlights. He was medium sized, broad shoulders and he had emerald green eyes. Finally, I came to the last guy I wanted to examine, Jessy. I think I like Jessy better then the other guys. He seemed....more sensitive to things then the others. He had blue eyes, always big and luminous, not as light as sky blue but lighter then midnight blue. His hair was so blonde, it could pass as white but he still had that sweet look about him that just wanted to make me hug him! I finally quit babbling and realized the guys were waiting for me to say something. Crap! What do I say? What do I say?? "Sooo?" I asked stupidly. There was about 30 seconds of silence, it was kind of awkward but at the same time comforting. "How you feeling?" Jessy asked. "My head hurts but other then that I'm fine." I said. I hadn't really noticed it until he said something but now it was hurting pretty badly. Like someone was playing soccer. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to get the pain to subside and then let my face go back into in smooth structure when it finally eased. I opened my eyes to see the guys looking at me with worried expressions. "Can I have some Advil or something for my head, please." I asked quietly. Jessy nodded and walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a bottle, took two pills out and walked back over to me. Ash gave me my water back and I took the pills easily, letting them slide down my throat. I pulled the blanket off of me, thankful I had clothes on, and tried to stand up. 

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now