Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck!

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(Hey EVERYONE!!! Okay, I know its been like a week since I've uploaded. Sorry. I haven't had time to write and the other reason is because I'm lazy! I'm actually going to include some songs in to this part even though they don't go very well or at all with it but oh-well! Oh I almost forgot!! Thanks to everyone who voted and left comments! It brings a smile to my face every time I see I have new comments!!! Well I hope you like this chapter!! Enjoy. Comment & vote!!! (: <3 )

Recap: Well, they were looking at me, their mouths hitting the floor and eyes looking as if they were going to pop out of their sockets. Kyle and I just laughed. Kyle said, "I just thought I would tease ya'll a little before we left!" He said. And that's when....

I felt pain, especially coming from my head. I lifted my hand to me head only to feel sticky stuff gushing out of my head. It took a moment of me being dazed before I realized it was blood and that I was on the floor. I gasped and looked at my bloody hand. Everything looked fuzzy but I felt myself being lifted and looked to see Lane carrying me out of the room, his eyes flashing black and then back to his brown eyes. His face set between a grimance and worry. I looked behind us to only catch the room before it disappeared behind us. I saw Ray and Kyle fighting the rest of the guys, blocking the door to keep them from coming after us. Well, me. If that was the case, then why did they give me to Lane. My eyes widened, what if they didn't and he just got me without them knowing. What if he is taking me away so he can drain me. My heart beat was increasing and my breathing coming faster. I knew I needed to calm down but every time I tried, my mind would flash to a picture of Lane laying over my body, his teeth on my neck, drinking my blood. Then I would have to start the whole calming down process but it was a little had hearing my blood hit the floor behind us. I was starting to get really tired and I just wanted to close my eyes but Lane kept shaking me or smacking my face and telling me to keep my eyes open. "What does it matter to you? You're just going to drain me anyway." I mumbled. Well, actually, it prolly sounded more like "Whatdoesitmattertoyou? You'rejustgoingtodrainmeanyway." I probably sounded more like a drunk then a person getting closer to death. After I said that though, he just looked at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying. "Erin! I can't believe you would say something like that!" He said. "I would never hurt you!" Even close to death, I was embarrassed. "I'm sorry but where are you taking me?" I asked. "To the doctor." He said. I was confused at this point. "Ya'll have a doctor here?"

"Yup. Now quit talking. You're wasting your energy." He said. "Well, can I sleep? I'm really tired. I don't think I can keep them open any longer." *YAWN* "NO!" He yelled. "But...I'" I closed my eyes unable to finish my sentence. I couldn't keep them open any longer. "Erin!" Was the last thing I heard before I drifted off.

(This song really doesn't go with the story but I just love this song!! It's called Fireflies By: Owl City ..there is the URL..Lol.)

(Lane's P.O.V)

"Erin!" I yelled. She was asleep. "Dangit!" I said. I was running at inhuman speed to reach the doctors courtiers. I burst through the doors and the doctor immediately stood up. "What happened?" He asked moving over to us. "I'll explain while you fix her up. I think she is going into a coma." He nodded his head while I told him this. I brought her over to one of the beds in the room and set her down gently. The doctor came up beside me and had a lot of things like, gawz, needles, and stitches. I winced when I saw the needles. I've always hated needles, they freak me out! "How bad is she?" I asked. He sighed, "Pretty bad. Would you mind telling me how she got all of these cuts?" It was my turn to sigh, so I started with the bet and then how Kyle won, and then when he wanted to show her off and to now. He nodded his head while he cleaned the blood away. He finally moved to her head and said that it needs stitches. I, once again, winced while he sewed(pronounced as so-ed) her up. We had to strip away her bloody clothes and put her in a hospital gown. We laid her carefully on her back and tried to put her head in a position so that it wouldn't hurt her. The doctor said that she was in a coma but it shouldn't last longer than three weeks. I sighed in relief. I went up Erin and kissed her on the cheek and forehead. I whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry about this Erin. I won't be gone long. I promise."

I left the doctors courtiers and went back to the game room. I walked in and everyone had their heads down in shame. "She is going to be fine. She is in a coma but it shouldn't last more than three weeks." I said quietly. They all looked up, some in relief, and others in shame. "I'm going to go back to her, if you think you can control yourself then you can come see her." I turned around and started to walk back to the hospital. When I got there, I pulled up a chair and held her hand. Most people might think that I'm in-love with her, but the truth is that she reminded me of my sister. My beautiful little sister, the hunters tracked her down and killed her. I let out a shaky breathe and just looked at Erin's peaceful face. I closed my eyes and whispered, "I'm so sorry Jenny, so sorry. I miss you so much." I closed my eyes ans got as close to sleep as I could get since vampires can't sleep. Zoning out.

(Erin's P.O.V)

I lifted my head and groaned. This could not be happening again. It had been. What? A day or two since Ray had sucked my blood and then he tried to rape me and... and... everything from last night came falling down on me...again. Great! How many times is a vampire going to try to kill me? I sighed as I answer my question. This is only the beginning. The pain was horrible and I finally blacked out and the pain went to a numb feeling.

(Sorry guys!! I know its short! I've been kinda lazy lately with Thanksgiving and all. Sorry again!! I'll try to upload sooner and fast. Enjoy!!!! Comment and vote!!<3 Saja95!! (:)

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now