Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.(2)

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(I want to thank, XSEXGIRL, and Kimbo_slice123 for becoming my first two fans!!! And I want to thank everyone who read this voted, commented!! I love you guys so much...okay here is part 2. Read, comment and vote!!! Enjoy!!)

Recap: I knew I wouldn't be able to close my eyes again so I turned my radio on and listened to music until I thought it was late enough to wake up.

Chapter 2:

It was about 2'o clock when I got a text message from my best friend, Stephanie. Stephanie was the prettiest girl in the whole school. She had dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She was tall but not as tall as me, she was about 5'7. She had every guy at school wrapped around her finger, but she wasn't all stuck up like some girls at our school were. We had been best friends since 7th grade when we sat at the same lunch table. We started talking and soon became inseperable. It's like we were joined at the hip. Snapping out of the past, I looked at my phone,

'We are still going to fair tonight right?!'

I groaned, I had completely forgotten about that but we had been planning to go with each other since last weekend, so I couldn't bail on her now. I sent the reply, and quietly finished eating my grilled cheese.

'Yea, what time do you want me to pick you up?'

About a minute later, I heard the ding of my phone which let me know that I had a new text message and looked at her reply,

'About 5:30 and don't be late. I'm supposed to meet somebody.'

5:30.That was about three hours away.

'It Friday the Thirteeenth. My bad luck day! haha but okay...see you then.'

After about five minutes of just being bored, I went upstairs to my bathroom to take shower. I stripped down and got into the hot water that had already started to steam up the mirrors. The hot water was very relaxing and soothed my tight muscles, that dream was still on my mind but I tried to push it away and relax. I grabbed my lavender body wash and scrubbed all over. Then I poured my strawberry shampoo into my hand and scrubbed it gently into my hair. I rinsed and then put conditioner into my hair. I was trying to make the shower last as long as I could but I finally had to get out all too soon. I walked into my room and slowly put on some undergarments and put my robe on over them. I blow dried my hair and then straitened it. I picked out a pair of grey skinny jeans, a purple polo with a black under shirt on and black converse. I put on little make-up and glanced at the clock. Holy shit!? It was f*cking 5:25 already. Steph was going to kill me! I took I final look in the mirror, got a jacket and grabbed my keys.

I ran to my car, which is the best car in the whole world, a midnight blue Mustang with two white stripes going down the middle. I stopped to admire my car. I still couldn't believe it was mine. My dad got it for my 17th Birthday!! Yay me!!!!! 540 Horse Power, I loved speed. That's prolly why my mom won't let me take her anywhere, she thinks I'm going to crash or something. I got into my car and started driving. It took about 10 minutes to reach Stephanie's house, and when I did finally get there, she wasn't very happy with me being late...again. I swear up and down its my family curse for being late everywhere I go! Her eyes were daggers but I tried to avoid her gaze. "Not my falt! It's my stupid family curse." "Uh huh..okay. Whatever Erin, let's just go. I'm supposed to meet somebody, remember!" I laughed at her and she threw a glare my way and said, "I'm only 5 minutes late. Breathe Steph. He's not going to lose all sense of hope and go home." She sighed, this guy must be really important to her. She hated being late but it was 5 stupid minutes. She usually didn't get all worked up over five stinking minutes. She mumbled something but I couldn't hear. I turned on the radio and Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3 was playing. Stephanie immediately froze and I quickly turned the radio off remembering that song brought back bad memories of her and her ex boyfriend, Philip.

(Stephanie's P.O.V)

Pain and hurt hit me when Erin turned the radio on and Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3 was on. My thoughts instinctively went to Philip, my ex boyfriend. I shifted in my seat felling a tear trying escape my eye. I brushed it away, not wanting Erin to see. Philip had used me, got me into bed and I thought he loved me but....he broke up with me that week and said he liked someone else. We went out for 3 months and he told me if I loved him that I would have sex with him. I didn't want to but I didn't want to lose Philip either, so I did it. That song is what we made love to. I glanced at Erin and saw her hands were gripping the steering wheel as tight as they could and her knuckles were white. She was a good friend, always looking out for me and I'm betraying her right now. She is going to murder me when she finds out who I'm going to meet night. *Gulp*

(Erin's P.O.V)

My hands were grasping the steering wheel and my knuckles were a ghastly white color. I wanted to hurt him so badly when Stephanie confessed everything to me and the worst part of it was that he broke up with her over the phone. Yea, the damn phone. I was going to punch his heart-less ass at school the next day but she begged me not to. I couldn't hurt her and say too bad. No, so I just let it go but if he ever did anything else to her then I would make his pretty little face not so pretty anymore. The thought made me let out a breath that I hadn't noticed I was holding. Air rushed into my lungs. Just then we pulled into the parking lot and I found a spot and parked. We got out of the car and brushed off the little moment that had just occurred. We were going to have fun tonight. Nothing was going to mess that up. We walked up to fair and looked around until Stephanie saw who she was going to meet and I froze as I saw who it was. I was definetly going to kill her. She walked up to him and placed a kiss on his cheek! She turned around and avoided my gaze. "Erin, we kinda have something to explain." She looked guilty as she should! What was she doing with him! HIM!! Of all guys in the world, she chose my EX Shawn!!

She is so unbelievable. I turned around and walked away. I heard her murmure something to him and then I heard her running towards me. She caught up with me quickly, "Erin! Let me explain." I just ignored her and kept walking. I didn't have anything to say to her. "Listen to me! We ran into each other at the store other day. I was really angry when I realized who it was. He saw that and said he was sorry."! "So are you two dating now or something?" I put acid into my voice. She sighed. "I'm going to let you cool down for a bit." "come find me when your ready to listen. Okay?" "Sure. Fine. Whatever." I muttered. She sighed again and stopped walking. I kept walking. I was so blinded by anger, I ran into someone. "Ouch. Oh I'm sorry. I" I looked up into the most beautiful guys face I have ever seen. "No, No, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." The mystery guy said. I was looking up into a pair of dark green eyes. I pulled my eye brows together thinking. He looked so familiar but where have I see him before? He noticed my staring and looked away. "I know you from somewhere." He looked back at me. I thought I saw a smirk on his lips but it was gone so fast, I thought I imagined it. "I don't think so." He said confused. "hmmmm, I don't know." An idea popped into his head. You could almost see a light bulb come on over his head. "Hey. I know we just met and all but..would you like to go on the Ferris Wheel with me?" He asked shyly. I blushed, "How bout we start with names first and go get a soda. Then I guess we could." He blushed a little too and said, "Right. Sounds good to me." He stuck his hand out and said, "Ray." "Erin." He smiled and gestured in front of him, "Shall we?" I laughed and we started walking to the soda line. We got two soda's and found a table. We talked until our sodas we empty. I found out he was visiting from out of town and that he was 17. YAY!!! I had a very good night. We did lots of stuff together.

He looked at his watch and he said that he needed to get home. I was disappointed but decided that I needed to get home to. Stephanie ran across my thoughts and so did Shawn. She would just have to get a ride home from him. He walked me to my car. His eyes got really big as he saw it and I giggled. He snapped out of it. He looked around, nobody was in sight. He smirked and then looked at me. His features changed and I suddenly relized why he was so familiar. He was the boy in my dreams! My mouth fell open and his smirk turned into a full blown evil grin. He pinned me to the car with his body.

Then he whispered into my ear, "Told you we would meet soon, Love." I was about to scream when he placed a hand over my mouth. "Shhh, you wouldn't want someone coming out here to help you, because they would have to die if they tried to stop me from taking you. I always get what I want. Always." He began to kiss my neck. The last thing i felt was pain and I blacked out.


(Thanks again for reading!! Please comment, vote or become a fan!!! Or all of them. Haha. You guys are great!! I'll have part 3 out soon!! I want to at least have 10 votes though before i upload the next chapter. <3 Saja95)

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