Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my luck!

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(Hey.Thanks for reading my first story. I cant wait til i know what you guys think!!!)

(Guys P.O.V)

Disire. Lust. Burning. I quickly looked around for the scent that had startled me. In all of my years, I had never known a scent that would make my breath catch. My eyes suddenly found the one that made my heart stop beating. Actually, it hasn't beated in centuries. I turned my eyes back to the girl, I was looking at the most beautiful woman or teenager I had ever laid eyes on. She would be mine if it was the last thing I would do, I quickly started thinking of possibilities of luring her away from civilization just to make her mine...forever. This girl was unique but very pretty. She had long brown hair with natural highlights, an innocent hazel eyes, she was about 5/9 and had the most mouth-watering scent! My vibrating phone made me come back to reality, I looked at the phone and it read:

'When are you coming back?'

I sighed and sent a reply.

'Soon, I think I'm going to bring someone home with me though."

I smirked as I got another text back in a matter of seconds.


'Just a human girl.' I replied

'Hahaha...Excellent! See you soon Bro.'

And with that I put my phone into my pocket and returned my attention back to the human...but she was gone!? My smile vanished, "Damn!" I lost her....but not for long

( Erin's point of view)


I was running as fast as I could to get away from the guy that has started to stalk me in my dream! Every time I would go around a corner, he would be there. I went around another corner thinking I had lost him when I ran around another corner bumping into him. I froze but he didn't skip a beat. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt chilled. I looked up into his dark features. He had a round face with dark green eyes, brown hair that could have been mistaken as black, and an evil smirk. Just as I was beginning to pull away, he pulled me tightly to his chest. He leant down and started to kiss me sweetly. The kiss hypnotised me, but I started to kiss him back eagerly. My hands were running through his hair and were sliding up and down my inner thiegh, I berley noticed though. His kiss was gentle and warm.

I had to pull away so that I breathe and we both started breathing heavily. I looked up into his eyes and all I saw was lust, before I knew it, I was up against the wall. My head was hurting really bad and I was dizzy. I had to focus really hard to realize what he was doing, he was kissing my neck and I let a groan find its way out of my throat and he groaned too. I felt a sharp pain cut into the side of my neck suddenly. I pushed him back startling him, his eyes were black. I pressed myself farther into the wall and before I gave my legs permission to move, I was running. My heart racing. He appeared in front of me and made me crash into him stumbling to the ground. He tilted his head sideways, smiling evily at me! It took him two steps to reach me.

He bent down inches from my face and said," Hello Erin, I can't wait to finally meet you! This was fun but we will have so much more fun once I have you with me." He was rubbing his hand up and down my arm making me shiver. "W-what are you?" I asked trying to keep a hard voice but failed. He chuckled and smirked at me. "Good question, Erin. I will be sure to demonstrate for you next time we meet. But the next time you see me," he got down to were he was whispering into my ear, "it will be in person." "M-m-meet?" I asked. He laughed to himself quietly.Then he pulled away capturing my eyes before I could look down. "Yes, you foolish girl. You think I'm going to leave you for someone else to steal. Now that wouldn't be very smart would it?" I wanted to pinch myself to wake up, I didn't want to hear anymore but I couldn't look away from his beautiful eyes. They held me there. Before I knew what was happening, I was laying on the floor with him on top of me.

My hands were pinned under his legs and I couldn't move. He was so heavy, his grin widened as he saw my pitiful try at escaping his entrapment. He bent down at my ear again and began whispering. "You won't be able to escape my grasp, Love." He said in a seductive voice. He began kissing my jawbone and moved down to my neck and back again. "What are you going to do to me?" I felt him pause and smile against my skin. He moved to my ear and said, " You have no idea, but to prolly give an idea. I have to ask. Are you a virgin?" " I don't know wha...." I went quiet as I got what he was saying. He chuckled at my expression, "Well, that answers my question but don't fret will only hurt....a lot but after a while you are going to love it. Trust me." He went back to kissing my neck and I felt pain. It was move painful then anything I had ever experienced. I started to scream but he didn't stop. It seemed to encourage him and he got rougher.

(dream shattered)

I woke up in my bed crying and I turned on my lamp quickly which was sitting on my desk. My hand immediately to my throat and sighed in relief as it just felt smooth. No holes or anything had pierced it. I looked around my room wide eyed. I was close to hyperventilating but got my breathing quickly under control. I looked at my alarm clock suddenly, it was 5:30 a.m on a Saturday. I knew I wouldn't be able to close my eyes again so I turned my radio on and listened to music until I thought it was late enough to wake up.

(Again. Thanks for reading part of my story. If you guys like it, then i will continue this story!! Comment. Vote. Become a Fan!!)

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