Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.[14]

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Okay. Next Chappta! Enjoy!:D*

RECAP: "I don't know." I said unsure. I closed my eyes for a second to clear my mind. I opened them and Mason's face a inches away from my face. I glanced over his face. "Don't think." He said as he put his lips on mine. I did as I was told and natually I kissed him back. One thought came to mind as I was kissing him. I'm in trouble....


Trouble. Like T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I could tell I was. I was still kissing Mason and arguing with myself. I'm a multitasker! I pulled away from him and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing. When I had my breathing contolled, I opened my eyes to see Mason looking at me, with a smirk plastered to his face. His eyes were shining and had a look of victory in them. "I can read you like a book." He said. I groaned. "Why me?" I whispered. "Because your irresistable." Mason said, getting closer to me and kissing the base of my neck. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. "So when are you going to break up with Ray?" He asked after a moment of silence. I froze and sat up. Damn. What am I going to do. I put my head in my hands. "I...I..don't think I can." I said. "I can do it for you. I'm the prince if you have forgotten. I always get what I want." He said. The way he said it made me mad. He said it as if he owned me and I didn't have a choice in this. I stood up and turned around. "Did you ever think that maybe I don't want to be with you even if I do still love you. Did it ever occur to you that I love..." My sentence trailed off as a name appeared in my head. I love him still. He was amazing to me and he loved me and I hurt him. I snuck around with his brother. It was against my will but it still happened. I still love Kris...a lot. More then I had ever loved Mason. More suprisingly though, was my feelings for Ray. I found myself starting to like, instead of hating him more and more each day. My feelings were so jumbled up but one thing was absolutely clear in my thoughts: Kris was the one I was in love with the most. I needed to be with him again, or at least get him to forgive me. I needed his forgivness to sleep well at night. I needed the guilt to be taken off me. I couldn't feel more hurt again breaking up with Ray. "I can't break up with him." I whispered, still deep in thought.

"Erin!" He said, shaking me. "The only reason your with him is because he's-" He paused and that sentence snapped me out of my thoughts fast. "You know?" I whispered. Then it hit me. "You know?" I said louder. "You jerk! How can you let him keep doing this to me?" I was just about to start screaming at him when Ray walked in. I looked at him, my eyes blazing. "You two are sick bastards!" I screamed. I ran past Ray but he caught my arm. "What are you talking about?" He asked. I pulled out of his grip and ran down the hall. I heard them arguing behind me and then foot steps. That pushed me harder thought I knew I couldn't outrun them.

"Erin!" I heard Mason call. "Come on babe!" Ray called. I looked back. "I'm not your babe and I'm through with you! We're done!" I called back. I looked in front of me and, this is me, tripped on the ground. Like I said, its me and I'm clumzy. I landed on the ground with a thud. Seconds later I was pulled to my feet. "The hell we are." Ray snarled. He started dragging me but I wasn't going to go easy. I was kicking and fighting with everything I had. Ray gave up on pulling me and tryed picking me up but I wasn't having it. Mason had to help by taking my legs and Ray had my arms. I stopped struggling because I was getting no where. "HELP" I yelled. We were passing a door. I didn't know how far we were from my room but I had to try. "Help me please!" I yelled again. The guys dropped me and I landed on my back. I gasped and choked. "You two are bastards!" I yelled. Why wasn't anyone helping me? "LANE HE-" My words were cut off as Ray covered my mouth. I was talking into his hand and kicking. "Erin stop this nonsense." Mason demanded. My body stopped and I looked at Mason wide eyed and shook my head. No... he couldn't do this to could he? I started breathing heavily. Mason smirked. "Yes, Erin. I have the gift too." He said. "Erin?" I heard someone ask behind from behind Mason. Ray and Mason froze and looked to see Lane standing behind us. Tears filled my eyes and I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "What the hell are you doing with my little sister?" Lane asked, his eyes were hard with anger but I couldn't help but smile as he called me his little sister. "Come here, Erin." Lane said, looking at me with soft eyes. I looked at Ray and he scowled but let me go. I ran to Lane and hopped into his arms. "Mason can control me." I whispered as lowly as I could. Lane set me down on my feet and looked at Mason and Ray, acting like I didn't tell him anything. "You both better stay away from my sister or else I will have you, Mason, thrown out and Ray... I don't think any of the boys will like the fact that you were trying to hurt her. You know how they feel about her." He said.

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