Kidnapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just My Luck!

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*Here it is...the long wait is over:) Hurray! Enjoy!*

I awoke slightly disoriented and with a major head-ache. The last thing I remembered was being carried inside by someone. My head was swimming and I was dizzy as hell. I tried to sit up but gave up only after a matter of seconds because the room started to spin, not helping my matter of pain. I rested my head, closing my eyes, and trying to focus on what happened yesterday. What had happened? I wonder.

There was a knock on the door and I groaned. The person who was on the other side of the door took that as a, "Welcome. Please Come in," signal, which it wasn't. I kept my eyes closed, not caring who had just come in. "So you're just going to ignore me?" He asked. I couldn't believe me ears and when I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe them either. "What...what are you doing here?" I mumbled. "I thought you still hated me for...well you know." I trailed off. Kris was standing at the end of my bed, smiling, really smiling. "Oh Erin," Kris chuckled, "you were really drunk weren't you?" He asked. I blushed slightly and shrugged, "I guess alcohol wasn't the best idea for me, huh?" I said, smiling sheepishly. Kris, still smiling, shook his head, "Probably not."

Grinning, I asked him what he was doing in here. "Well first, I wanted to see if you remembered anything that happened last night. Like the fact that I forgave you." He said, his voice softening. My smile slowly started to fade as I looked at him. Tears started to brim my eyes as what he said started to sink in. I jumped up and hugged him, not thinking of the consequences, which was my head spinning an then me running to the bathroom to empty my stomach.

Kris didn't seem to mind as he held my hair. When I was finished, I used what was left of my energy to brush my teeth. Then I went back to bed. "Damn hangover! Now I have a headache." I complained, my eyes getting heavy. Kris chuckled and said, " Go to sleep, Erin. We'll talk later when you wake up again."  I wasn't having that though. "No. We're gunna talk now." I said, trying to avoid yawning. Kris laughed, "Well what if I want to wait until you wake up to talk?" He questioned, raising his brow. I smirked, "Well you don't exactly have a choice now do you?" I asked. He crossed his arms and fake pouted while I laughed. Then he smiled and came back over to the bed.

"Okay. Get on with it!" I pushed, still smiling. His smile slowly faded and his eyes clouded over slightly. He sighed. "Do you miss them? Your family I mean." He asked quietly. I blinked, trying to comprehend what he was asking. "My-my family?" I whispered. I havn't even thought about them. Oh but now that I have, I miss them a lot. My loving, dreamer of a mother that will always love me no matter what wrongs I do. I was a daddy's girl, so I missed my dad so much. I didn't get to see him that much but when I did it was great. Then there was Stephanie and as much as I tried to still mad at her, I couldnt. She always has and always will be my bestfriend. No matter what happens between us. I wish I could see all of them right now, and tell them not to worry about me, that I was safe.

Maybe I could write a letter to them telling them just that. I looked at Kris, who also seemed deep and thought and before I knew what I was doing, I crashed into him giving him the biggest hug ever. I was squeezing tightly but I knew I wasn't hurting him. He just chuckled. "Thank you so much." I whispered. I pulled back and kissed him on the cheek, blushing slightly. He just smiled at me. "We should probably start planning this out." He suggested.

          We spent the rest of the night planning out everything and I was going to need a complete makeover. Kris said it was just incase my face was plastered to everything insight. When I talked to some of the other guys about this, turns out, not all of them were on board with this plan. They said it would just be more difficult for me to let go if I saw them again. I disagreed. Then both Ray and Mason had an absolute fit about it. It was ridiculous of them to be acting so childish but no one was going to change my mind on this. I was going to see my family.


Ray's P.O.V.

        "We can't let her do this. It's a huge mistake. We have to stop her some how." Mason said. I nodded my head in agreement. "But how are we going to do that when we arn't even aloud to look at her without someone having a damn spaz attack?" I questioned. "That my friend, is a good question." Mason said, and then he snapped his fingers with an idea. "What if we kidnap her? Then take her back to my mansion. They would never be able to get in and we would have her to ourselves! No more interuptions!" He said, his eyes shinning.

            I thought about it for a moment. "I don't know, Mase. I don't want her to hate us more then she does already. I really do have feelings for the girl." I said, saying my thoughts outloud. Mason rolled his eyes. "So make her want you back, dude. You've got the power, just not the privacy." He said. I nodded my head. "I'll think about it." I answered. "Okay, dude. I'll see you later then." He said walking out of the room. "Later." I said back, still in thought. I could make the girl of my dreams mine, but I dont want to force her. How can I make her want me?


Mason's P.O.V

        That sucker thinks I'm actually going to let him have her. As if. He got her for who knows how long when he was controling her. When I get my way, and I always do, she is going to be mine and he will be put somewhere else. Of course I can't just get rid of him, he is my own blood but he will not interfere with Erin an I. Then when I turn her, she will be bonded to me forever. I smirked. Let the bitch try to get away then. She wont be leaving my side ever again. She was mine first and she will continue to stay that way. Always. Soon Erin you will be by my side where you belong. I closed the door to my room and continued my smirking. I hope your ready for me babe.

*Sooooo? What do you think? Idk if its long enough for you but hopefully it is:) Sorry bout how long it took to upload:/ Anyway! I hope you liked it and I am going to be writing on my other story and hopefully posting it soon. Sorry it's short:((  With love, Sara:) <333

Kidapped by a Vampire on Friday the Thirteenth. Great. Just my Luck.Where stories live. Discover now