Chapter 2

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Gabe had to admit that the stranger looked much better when he was not sleeping on the dirty ground, and snoring like a bear, but he hadn't expected to see his back the first thing in the morning. Not that he didn't appreciate the sight. His backside, broad shoulders were pleasant to look at and he knew that if the man dropped those trousers, he would find the most delicious-looking bubble butt.

But what was even more beautiful than that ass were his eyes that were the loveliest shade of green. He had been wondering what colour they were when he had been lying in his bed the night before. He had imagined him with grey, blue, brown and hazel eyes, but not emerald green. He had never seen anyone with such green eyes.

When the man turned around, and their eyes locked, he had had his breath taken away like when a suspect slammed into him when he realised he had run into a dead end. That had been the only time he had got his wind knocked out of him until now. The most mesmerising eyes were staring at him, and he could feel a rush of excitement run through his body.

For a second he forgot his son was standing there, looking scared, and he had an idea why. He probably thought the man to be a robber or some other reprehensible human being, who had come to hurt his pa. The thought made him smile. His son was so adorable, always worried about his pa being hurt while chasing bad guys.

"What are you doing in my room?" he asked the man, curious as to what he wanted. He hoped it wasn't his money. That would come as a disappointment.

"I came to greet the man who had helped me when I had been out cold." Orazio flashed his most dashing smile, which he used only and only when he wanted to get into somebody's bed, even if that somebody was a cop. It just meant that he had to be more careful so he wouldn't find out what Orazio did, and no one from his famiglia found out about him. It could be a great experience and thrill.

"Thank you," he said, almost choking on those words. He rarely thanked anyone, therefore the words felt weird, coming from his mouth. This was approximately the sixth time he had heard 'thank you' said in his voice, and he couldn't say he liked it.

"No problem," Gabe said in response, returning the smile. "Next time don't drink so much. It's dangerous to sleep on the street." His smile widened.

Orazio groaned inwardly at the reminder. He didn't want to think about it. If it had been anyone else, Orazio would have walked off, but since it was a smoking hot cop, he would let it slide.

"You could get robbed," Gabe's eyes sparkled, "or ravished."

You're the one who's going to get ravished, Orazio thought to himself.

"Pa, what does 'ravished' mean?" the little boy standing behind Orazio asked like a typical kid. His question was a textbook example of the thinking of children who were barely tall enough to reach the door handle.

"It means to treat someone badly," his father answered with a warm smile that was completely different from that he had given Orazio. It was the smile one reserved for the closest family, and Orazio couldn't even pass for an acquaintance, but he longed to be the recipient of the smile. It had been ages since he had seen such a soul-stirring smile.

"I haven't introduced myself yet." Gabe got up, revealing his muscular legs, and, much to Orazio's dismay, pants. But his tent pole was visible through the material, and Orazio could see the outline.

Damn. He's packing!

"I'm Gabriel Leone." He extended his hand, and Orazio shook it.

He figured out he should give his name in return, therefore made up a name because he knew his name was on the wanted list, and giving his real name would be a fatal mistake. He tried to think of a cool name. Everyone knew names were important, for it was what people called at the peak of pleasure, and something like 'Bobby' just didn't sound right. He would burst out laughing if someone called him Bobby like a bloody dog.

"Lucio Moretti," he finally said. He had to give himself a clap on his shoulder because that name was totally awesome.

Gabe turned his attention to his son. "Son, go brush your teeth and get dressed. Let's go grab something to eat before we go to the zoo."

"Yes, sir!" the little boy saluted his father, puffing out his chest like a soldier.

Gabe did the same, proud of his son and overcome with fatherly love. He watched the tiny feet move as his son ran out, excited about the visit at the zoo. He loved pandas, and had begged Gabe to take him to the zoo. It was Sunday, so he didn't mind. Gabe liked spending time with his four-year-old son.

When his son was out of sight, his gaze turned back to Orazio. "Can you find your way home, or do you need a lift?"

"I'm fine," Orazio replied. He just needed to find his keys, and he'd be fine. Or he could give one of the the family members a ring to pick him up. Although he wanted to spend more time with Gabriel, he sure as hell wasn't going to sit in the same car with a child. He wouldn't be able to do anything with the brat in the back of the car.

"I'll be going then," he said, about to leave.

"Wait!" Gabe called out. "Can I see you again?"

A grin spread across Orazio's face. "Do you have a marker pen?"

"Wait a second." Gabe went to a drawer, pulled it open, and rummaged through the mess inside.

Of course Orazio used the chance to have a good, long look at his nicely shaped ass. He didn't know if Gabriel knew he was staring, but he was grateful for the sight, and he wouldn't turn away when he had been presented such a gropeable bum.

Nice. Very nice.

It took a while,but Gabriel eventually found a marker pen.

Orazio took it from him and started writing on his tanned chest. He made sure to run the tip of the marker over his hard nipples.

When Gabe looked down, he expected to see his phone number, but was surprised to find his email address instead. Who in this day and age gave their email addresses? Well, so long as he could contact him, he couldn't complain.

"Write to me," Orazio winked at him, and left.

Outside the house he rubbed his jaw. His muscles were sore after smiling for a while. He wasn't used to smiling so much. He thrust his hand into his pocket, fished for his cell phone, and called his henchman to pick him up.


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