Chapter 17

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A/N: For early chapters, find this book on Radish.

After a long day, Gabe hadn't expected to find Orazio waiting for him in his house. After Gabe had opened the front door, he'd expected to hear voices that belonged to his son and Amanda, and he did, but on top of those, he also heard Orazio's voice.

"Hey!" Orazio smiled when he saw Gabe's expression. Gabe had been stunned. He looked like he didn't know what was happening. He was standing there, unmoving and staring at them.

"Mr. Moretti came to see you, so I told him he could wait here until you got back," Amanda elucidated. "Now that you're here, I'm not needed anymore." She took her leave after Gabe thanked her.

Orazio was glad that Gabe was home. He'd spent the last three hours exchanging pleasantries with Amanda, which he found a complete waste of time. But so was his teaching at kindergarten.

"What are you doing here? I'm not saying that I'm not happy to see you, but I didn't expect you."

"Something happened at my house. Can I stay with you for the time being?"

"What happened?"

Orazio knew he'd ask. It was the natural thing to do. That's why he'd prepared an answer beforehand.

"A fire broke out, and the better part of the house was damaged."

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but it'll take time to repair the house."

"You can stay here for as long as you need," Gabe said. He was trying to supress the excitement he felt at the thought of living together with Orazio.

Gabe knew it was bad of him to feel anything but sympathy and pity. A misfortune had struck Orazio, yet Gabe was secretly happy because it'd brought Orazio to him.


"Will Mr. Moretti live with us?" Seby asked, his eyes sparkling with elation. He'd come to take a shine to this new teacher. And Gabe had thought that Seby had liked the last teacher, but he'd never acted this way with her.

The reason might have been her age, for she was much older than Orazio. She was also a woman, and because Seby's mother had died early, he wasn't used to a woman's presence.

"Yes. Are you glad?" Gabe asked.

"Yup!" Seby asked if Orazio could stay in his room. He wanted to show him his collection of cars, so his face fell when Gabe announced that Orazio would be staying with him.

Orazio couldn't be more content with the decision. After a stressful day at kindergarten, he'd come back to Gabe and hold him at night.


Orazio had been rejected when he'd offered to help Gabe wash his back. Gabe was feeling self-conscious, and thought that Orazio would do the same thing he'd done last they'd been in the bathroom together.

Too bad, Orazio would have to work harder to get Gabe to drop his guard before him. He'd believed he'd got past that point, but apparently not.

However, now that he was living with Gabe, it shouldn't take long before he made him amenable. In fact, if he pushed Gabe, he should give in really soon. There was nowhere to run, after all.

Unless Gabe intended to sleep on the couch, he had to return to the bedroom, and Orazio would be waiting for him. As he was pacing back and forth, Orazio was quickly growing impatient.

Gabe had been in the bathroom for longer than was usual for a man. What the hell was he doing? Just how long did it take for Gabe to shower?

Orazio was tempted to fetch Gabe, but his son was there and every little sound could be heard, so Gabe would most likely make a fuss.

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