Chapter 13

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A/N: For early updates, please visit Radish

"I got the name," Marchesi said as they walked out of the brothel.

"Dante Serraino-DiGiovine?" Gabe said while hiding a smile when he saw Marchesi's eyes go big. Clearly, Marchesi hadn't expected anything from Gabe when he'd taken him inside. He'd most likely believed Gabe to leave empty-handed.

Marchesi was staring at Gabe, his eyes asking how? Gabe could tell him, but he'd rather leave him wondering. It was his little revenge against Marchesi for being an ass. If Marchesi brought himself to ask him, he'd tell him, but knowing him for years, he highly doubted Marchesi's pride would allow that.

"It took some persuasion, but in the end, I got the name. How did it go on your end?"

"All I needed to do was tell the girl that if she didn't give me the name, I'd spread around that she was the one who did it once I found the name. That did the trick."

What a scum, was what Gabe thought when he heard it, although he was aware of the fact that what he'd done was not far from what Marchesi had done. It didn't please him, but he and Marchesi seemed to be on the same wavelength. It was a great thing for partners to be similar, but the thought of having anything in common with someone as insufferable as Marchesi didn't sit well with him.

"According to the girl, the Serraino-DiGiovine family is one of the most powerful mafia families in the country. Their boss is a ruthless man. Thanks to his power and connections, he's practically untouchable," Marchesi elucidated.

If he didn't know Marchesi, he would have thought that he was saying they should give up because despite knowing who was behind the brothels, they couldn't do anything about him.

"I take it we can't just waltz into their house and question them. But we can't give up now, can we?"

"Of course not. There's no way we'll chicken out just because a big shot from the underworld is involved. We just have to be careful as not to provoke them too much before we find more evidence." Marchesi seemed to be fired up. He'd been waiting for a big case like this one that could help him get promoted.

So far, he'd been saddled with small cases which hadn't given him a chance to show what he was capable of, and he hadn't expected this one to be any different. How lucky that it had turned out to be what he believed to be the case of the year. Such a great opportunity didn't come by every day, so there was no way he'd back out of this.

"Let's split the brothels, and find something on Serraino-DiGiovine. I'll take the first half on the list, you get the other half," Marchesi gave an order, with which Gabe had no problem because they wouldn't have to stick to each other for a while. Finally something sensible came out of Marchesi's mouth.

"Keep me updated on your progress," Marchesi had told Gabe before they separated. It was late and past Leone's curfew when Gabe got home. It had been a tiring day. He just went to check on his son, thanked Melissa, then hit the sack. He was too tired to even do anything. Undressing was too troublesome, so he went to bed with his clothes on. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he fell into deep slumber.

"Pa.." a small voice called Gabe. "Pa!" It wasn't until seconds later that he noticed he was being shaken by tiny hands.

"Wake up, pa!" Leone was trying to wake his father up. It was rare for his father to oversleep. In fact, Leone didn't remember the last time it had happened if there was even something to remember.

"We'll be late!" Gabe sat up abruptly. He'd been sleeping like dead, so he hadn't heard the alarm.

"Sorry, Leo! I'll take you to school right now." Fortunately, he'd been too exhausted to change from his uniform, so he didn't have to waste time putting his clothes on. Both he and Leone rushed to make it in time.

They didn't, though. Leone went straight to his class, but Orazio didn't follow right away. He scanned Gabe, and snickered.

"Looks like you had a tough night."

Gabe looked down at himself, and realised his uniform was a mess. It was crumpled. His cheeks turned beet red in an instant from the embarrassment of being seen like this by Orazio. If he'd noticed what pitiful state he was in, he wouldn't have rushed out of the house in his uniform. Even if it meant being later than he already was, he'd have made himself more presentable.

Mortified, he wanted to find a hole and crawl in it. Everything that could go wrong did. At this point, he felt like he should just lock himself in the house, and never leave, or a truck would hit him.

Despite his embarrassment, he couldn't tear his gaze away from Orazio. He hadn't seen him during the weekend. Every day, he went home late in the night. There hadn't been time for him to worry himself about Orazio. It made Gabe almost forget that he still hadn't asked Orazio the question.

"Lucio," he called Orazio, his voice a little shaky, "would you like to come today?"

"Aren't you busy? I don't want to impose on-"

"I want you to come!" Gabe insisted. "I might be late, so here's a duplicate key."

Orazio leaned in and whispered, "Tell me, why do you want me to come?" His low, husky voice sent a shiver down Gabe's body.

"I want to continue where we left off," Gabe said, his voice barely audible, his face flushed from what he was saying in front of a kindergarten.

"What about your son?"

"I'll ask Melissa to take him for today. She's the one who picked up Leo last time, remember?"

A corner of Orazio's mouth twitched. He'd been waiting for this. Just for this moment, he'd been keeping himself in check for days. He'd been going on for too long without a reward, but that reward finally came, and it would be worth the wait.

He also got the answer to the question he hadn't asked, but which had been on his mind all weekend. If Gabe hadn't told him about Melissa, Orazio wouldn't have asked because that would have made him look jealous, which was ridiculous. There's no way he'd be jealous of a woman.

"Then," Orazio lowered his voice, "I'll definitely come." He bit Gabe's earlobe lightly.

If Orazio had a shred of decency, he'd be ashamed of himself for doing that in front of a kindergarten, and to a man no less. If anyone saw him, he'd be in deep trouble. The person, not him, of course.

The principle already knew he was an ass, but should a word about it get out, it'd still be troublesome. He didn't care about what the parents of the children would say, but it would ruin his chances with Gabe, and that's something he couldn't let happen.

Because his week's worth effort was bearing fruit, Orazio was in a good mood all day, which was rare, especially lately when he'd been sexually depraved.

Although he'd planted cameras inside Gabe's house, they'd been of no use, for Gabe had been returning late, and as soon as he was home, he hit the sack. If only Gabe wasn't so devoted to his job, Orazio would have collected a few jerk materials, but his devotion and honesty was what made him so attractive. Without those traits, he'd be like any other cop with a nice ass.

He was exhilarated when he arrived at Gabe's house. The day when he'd get to make Gabe his finally came. It was hard to believe that someone as impatient as he was able to persevere. After no one answered the door, he used the key he'd got from Gabe to let himself in.

Orazio wouldn't be make a great stalker if he didn't use the chance that he was in Gabe's house alone to go through his things. As he was holding Gabe's boxer briefs in his hands, a thought popped up in his head.

He made his way to the bathroom, and without any shame, he pocketed a pair of boxer briefs that he found in the dirty laundry. He'd been too excited about the visit that it hadn't occured to him that he could take a bag with him, into which he'd put souvenirs. Since he didn't have a bag, he'd have to make do with his pockets.

A used tissue and a photo of Gabe were added to his new collection after he'd searched through Gabe's room. Unfortunately, he couldn't pilfer more things. His pockets could carry only so much without letting anything show on the surface.

Since it didn't look like Gabe would return anytime soon, Orazio went to take a shower. While he was in there, he heard Gabe calling him. He quickly finished, wrapped a towel around his waist, and stepped out.

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