Chapter 3

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Sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee on top of it, Orazio checked his email. It had been another crazy day for him. After he had gone home in the morning, he had burned the clothes that had touched the ground, called Dante if he hadn't seen his keys. Good thing he always kept his spare key to the house under a flowerpot.

Dante had informed him that he had confiscated his keys the night before, not because he had been worried about him, but just for the hell of it. He had had a henchman take him to the safe house of his famiglia to get the keys, and as he had predicted, Dante had laughed at him when he had heard about him sleeping on the street.

Orazio had told him about the generous man who had taken him in, however, he hadn't told him about the man's job, and Dante hadn't cared.

Later that day, he had had to solve problems with a brothel. Brothels in Italy were illegal, but it didn't mean there were none. The knocking shop's place had been rented out by Serraino-DiGiovine family. Someone had given the police a tip, and they had almost closed down the place. If they hadn't put up a front, the family would be looking for new tenants.

Orazio looked at his inbox. One unread email from Gabriel. With anticipation, he clicked on it.

Hey, sexy,

want to meet up sometime?


The message was short, but it managed to arouse him. What a bad cop. Orazio immediately replied.

Just say when and where, and I'll be there.

He sipped his coffee while waiting for a reply. It didn't take long before a '(1)' popped up next to 'Inbox'.

Wednesday. 9 pm. My house.

Orazio assumed he didn't want him to come over when his son was awake, which could mean only one thing. A very, very hot night. Better to check his supply of johnnies before he paid him a visit.

Will be there. Wear something sexy.

Better yet, a birthday suit, he thought after he had sent it.

Orazio went to take a shower. While he was there, he came up with a great idea. Two great ideas to be precise. He hastily showered, and returned to his laptop where he started working on the plan that was, in his opinion, faultless.

As a former cracker, hacking into a webcam was as easy as pie for him. He itched to send Gabe the link he had prepared to get his IP address, but came to a conclusion that it was too much of a risk.

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