Chapter 20

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Two days of failed effort to find Marchesi were more than enough to make Orazio move on. The man wasn't in the main branch, which left seven families for him to search. The problem was that he couldn't visit them without a good reason. They were part of the same group, but they weren't friends. Visiting one another was not something they did if they didn't have to.

Orazio didn't feel welcome when he arrived at the capos' houses. He was only Dante's right-hand, and there was a world of a difference between the don and his right-hand.

Everyone respected Dante, but they tolerated Orazio, just like they tolerated other capos. No one knew much about Dante, nevertheless, Orazio was a greater mystery to them.

He was quiet, not interacting with other people, and he never talked about his past or family. He was stoic and rarely lost his cool.

"Someone has stolen a certain object from the main house. I'm here to find it," Orazio announced upon arriving at Fabio's mansion.

"You think one of my men stole it?" Fabio, one of the capos, asked, offended.

Each of the capos personally picked out their own men. If one of them betrayed the family's trust, it was on the capo's head, that's why they took every accusation personally; if someone did something, it was his boss's fault for letting it happen.

It was Orazio's mistake that he'd chosen Fabio as his first target. He'd been especially unpleasant for the past six months after his wife had divorced him for adultery.

Not only had Fabio cheated on her, but he'd cheated on her with her son. His position in the family had been weakened as well, and he'd been humiliated in front of his people.

That had made Fabio grumpy and hard to talk to. For that sole reason, other capos avoided him, except Emilio, who liked to tease Fabio. He was also the reason everyone found out about Fabio and his step-son.

"Don't get mad. I'm trying to find out who the thief is. Your family just happens to be the first one on the list. If the thief isn't from your family, there's nothing you have to be worried about."

"What was stolen? I haven't heard anything from the boss," Fabio said.

Although Dante didn't inform the capos about everything, he usually let them know when he was going to send someone over.

But this time Dante wasn't the one who sent him. Orazio had told him where he was going and what his intentions were, though, and he'd received Dante's consent for further action. Dante had left this case entirely to Orazio because he didn't find it important, which was why Orazio had chosen theft as an excuse to search other families. As expected, Dante had given him free rein.

Fabio, albeit hesitantly, let Orazio do what he needed to do to find the thief, for he was confident that none of his men had stolen whatever had been stolen.

"Do you have any hints that will lead you to the culprit?" Fabio asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything," Orazio replied curtly.

If Orazio bothered to look at Fabio, he'd see him fuming. Orazio had a talent for pissing others off, and Fabio was even more irascible than ever before.

Orazio had all Fabio's men summoned and gathered on the lawn in front of the mansion. He paced along the line that Fabio's men had formed. His eyes quickly scanned all their faces, hoping he'd find Marchesi among them so that he wouldn't have to go to other capos' houses.

His heart sunk as his gaze reached the end of the line. No luck here.

"It looks like the thief isn't here." Orazio turned to Fabio. "Is anyone missing?"

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