Chapter 6

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A/N: Please support me at and on Radish (username - KikiEmin) 

Orazio couldn't help himself from grinning from ear to ear. As he showered, he reminisced about his stay at Gabe's house. Originally, he had gone there to spend some pleasurable time with the cop, but his plans had failed. Gabe turned out to be a decent person who didn't play around. That was unfortunate, but Orazio had left a present before he left, which partially compensated for his attempted fling with the cop, whose beauty should be illegal. It was wasted on such a serious person who didn't like sharing his body with whoever was interested in it. And Orazio sure as hell was interested.

He wondered what face Gabe would make were he to find his present, although it was unlikely that he would. His wasn't a visible present, after all, and if one wasn't looking for it, one wouldn't find it. He had made sure of it. He had also left the porn at Gabe's house with the words "You can watch it alone later if you're too shy to do so with me beside you." The slight change in colours in Gabe's cheeks had been a delight to Orazio's eyes.

Orazio couldn't tell if Gabe would watch the DVD he had left behind, but one thing he knew for certain, and that was that he was going to dream about Gabe watching it. Maybe the next time he went to Gabe's house, he could install a cam. He was already a peeping Tom, and one more cam wouldn't change anything.

It had been ages since Orazio had been so exasperated. It was his first time at the new job, and he hadn't been there more than two hours, yet he was more tired than he had been in a long time. The little devils were running around like there was no tomorrow. They asked a lot. And when they weren't asking, they blabbered.

Surprisingly, they could chatter away at him for hours without getting tired. He was barely standing. Who could have known that four-year-old brats could suck so much energy out of him in such a short period of time. Gabe's son was no better. He was as active as others.

Sitting at a small table, in a chair that hadn't been designed for people over 160 cm, Orazio looked ridiculous with his 183 centimetres. He looked bored and irritated at the same time. He wanted to go home. Actually, anywhere would be better than in this classroom for little imps. 

He had to keep reminding himself that he was doing it for a reason. No matter how much snot and spit he would have to wipe away, and by wiping it's meant flinging a handkerchief in the little bastards' faces, so they can do the job themselves (he wasn't their damn mother, after all), he wouldn't quit. Not until he got a taste of Gabe.

His eyes lazily observed the kids, playing with toys. It was torture for him. He had never imagined to find himself in this position, looking after children with snot running down from their noses. Their tiny hands were even dirtier than their faces, which some called angelic. If angels looked like that, Orazio would rather go to Hell.

After four hours, he wanted to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. His brain cells had been committing suicide after he had been forced to answer silly questions like "Why can't people fly?" It had made Orazio's fingers itch, eager to send the inquirer flying through the window, and no, he wouldn't open the window for the deed.

People who knew him would be shocked to see how he had been holding back. His gun wasn't in its usual place. It couldn't be, for he was on the sacred ground of what was a kinder-fúcking-garten. For Orazio it was hell, or at least this was what he imagined Hell to be like - full of people who didn't even reach his waist, and who sounded like screaming women after you've told them they looked fat, high-pitched and completely annoying, making you want to bang your head against the nearest wall.

That was exactly what Orazio wanted to do. Run until his head hit the wall with Winnie the Pooh and cracked like a hard-boiled egg.

The principle had told him to be friendly, and that's why he had given a boy a blindfold, and told him to use it on Jessica, when he had asked Orazio how to make Jessica like him. He didn't know who Jessica was, but whoever she was, the boy was going to give her a fright. And since Orazio had felt charitable at that moment, he had added a little stick to that blindfold to complete the play. The little rascal would be popular after this.

Orazio spotted Sebastiano Leone amongst the little heads. He was the reason Orazio was there. He was Orazio's key to Gabe's body. To his dismay, the key had legs. Those legs were carrying him in Orazio's direction, and he braced himself for another silly question.

"Mr. Moretti, are you and pa friends?" 

"You could say so." Friends was the last thing he wanted to be with Gabe. If the friendship didn't bring any benefits, he didn't want it. He was a mafioso, and Gabe was a cop. Those two just didn't go together. In fact, it could get him in trouble if anyone found out about them.

The little boy started talking about how he and 'pa' did this and that. Orazio wasn't listening, though. The smile he was trying to keep on was eating away at his energy. His muscles weren't used to so much abuse. They were screaming, and begging for him to stop. He would have bet he looked unnatural. He wished the lil Leone boy would go away. He was miserable enough.


Orazio whipped his head around upon hearing that word. It meant one thing.

School was finally over.

After getting home, Orazio would pour himself a glass of wine. It had been his first day, yet he already wanted to quit. Correction: he had wanted to quit before Gabe appeared. Now that he was there, everything was fine again, and maybe, just maybe, Orazio would come to work the following day.

Gabe showed genuine surprise when he saw Orazio. He seemed to be pleased while the same couldn't be said about Orazio.

Not the uniform again, he resisted the urge to groan. Why did Gabe have to work for the police, Orazio wondered.

"Didn't expect to see you here," Gabe said as he lifted his son.

"Mr. Moretti is working here!" his son told him excitedly.

"So I can see," he smiled, and returned his attention back to Orazio, "unless you're here to pick up your child?"

"I don't have children." Thank God. "As of today, I'll be teaching your son." Remember to smile, Orazio told himself. He put a great effort to look happy to have got lil Leone under his care. 

"That's great," Gabe's ever-present smile could really lift Orazio's mood. It was warm, and everything his smile wasn't. "I'm glad we'll be seeing each other everyday."

It looked like Orazio would be back the next day and the days after that.

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