Chapter 15

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Gabe's patience was slowly running out. He'd spent the last half an hour listening to Marchesi talking about how he'd obtained the information that he had yet to present Gabe with. It had started to get onerous twenty-five minutes ago, but Marchesi didn't seem to be done yet.

He still hadn't run out of breath. Gabe couldn't comprehend how anyone could drag such a sleep inducing story out. Gabe had come to share information, not to listen to Marchesi's heroic story.

It took Marchesi another ten minutes to finish, and Gabe couldn't be more glad it had ended. At last, Marchesi pulled out a file that contained everything he'd found out about the Serraino-DiGiovine family.

Gabe, too, had something on the mafia family, but unlike Marchesi he hadn't prepared a prologue that would precede his handing the file to Marchesi.

What both Gabe and Marchesi found out was mainly rumours about Dante Serraino-DiGiovine. They were worse than they'd expected. The good thing was that they'd managed to find out who Dante's right-hand man was.

"It's not enough," Marchesi said. The information they'd got was nice and all, but it was not enough to send Dante behind the bars for life, and that's what Gabe was aiming for - to rid their country of the dastard.

"We need more proofs to arrest them," Marchesi added. "That's why I've decided to go undercover."

"How do you want to do that? It's nearly impossible to get into mafia." Despite not being an expert on mafia Gabe knew mafiosi didn't let just anyone join their ranks. It was also dangerous to try to infiltrate them. If anything went wrong, Marchesi wouldn't get away scot-free.

"I already have a plan."

"A plan you can't tell me?"

"Not yet."

Gabe wanted to ask more about it, but if Marchesi didn't want to tell him yet, he'd trust him for now. Although Gabe wasn't fond of Marchesi, he knew Marchesi was a great police officer. His personality was bad, however, he was hard-working and smart.

If Marchesi managed to infiltrate the Serraino-DiGiovine family, Gabe would have to step up his game, too. He'd told himself he'd become Marchesi's equal, so he couldn't leave all the work to him.

Since Gabe didn't have a plan how to back Marchesi up yet, he was free for the afternoon, and used the chance to pick up his son for the first time in a while.

Seby was obviously excited to see his father at the kindergarten. Even Orazio looked surprised to see him.

"Hi, Mr. Leone," Orazio greeted Gabe, playfully.

"Hello, Mr. Moretti." Gabe came closer. "Why did you leave without a word?" he whispered.

Gabe had been a tad disappointed when he'd woken up and Orazio hadn't been there. He'd wanted to see Orazio's face the first thing in the morning.

"I had to return home to get changed." The corner of the Orazio's mouth quirked up. "Is your body okay?"

A light pink hue painted Gabe's cheeks. "I'm fine."

"Glad to hear it. I was worried I'd overdone it."

"Would you like to come this Saturday for dinner?" Gabe wanted to spend more time with Orazio, and it wasn't just sex he sought. He wanted to get to know Orazio, but lately he'd been too busy.


"Is 7 p.m. okay with you?"

"I'll be there." Orazio agreed to come in hope there will be dessert afterwards.

My Son's Teacher Is a Mafioso (MANXMAN)Where stories live. Discover now