Chapter 7

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Orazio was watching the interaction between Gabe and his son, wondering who the mother was. He could find out, but that would too much effort put into something he didn't actually need. He didn't even know what he would do with that kind of information. He was just mildly curious about what kind of woman Gabe had a child with, and generally, what kind of people Gabe liked.

Definitely not a criminal, he thought.

Gabe was asking his son about his day, and his son was unstoppable in his depiction. Orazio didn't find beating a monster/classmate and saving a princess/another classmate all that thrilling, yet the kid was ecstatic that he had to show his father the 'oh-so-heroic' moves which he had used on the ghastly creature that had kidnapped the princess.

As the heated conversation between the father and son continued, a high-pitched scream startled everyone. Even Orazio jumped at the glass-shattering screech. He turned in the direction of the source only to find the boy he had given the stick, about which he had no idea why it was in the classroom, and the yet another thing he had been surprised to find in the classroom - the blindfold. Maybe they had been used in some play at some point, although he couldn't imagine what play it could possibly be.

What Orazio saw when he turned was a boy chasing a girl with the stick. Jessica. She was crying for help. That's what you get for doing the job half-assedly. The lad should have tied her hands and feet. Of course she was going to run away from him. Girls liked to play hard to get, after all. That's why Orazio didn't like dealing with women. They were trouble.

He was about to turn back, and forget what he saw, but then he remembered his position and that the man he wanted to impress was standing right next to him.

"What are you doing?!" he rushed over to the kids. Jessica immediately hid behind him while sobbing.

Orazio had to work hard not to cringe. She was going to dirty his clothes.

"H-he said he wanted t-to play!" she pointed her little finger at the boy who had stopped in front of Orazio. "He put something over my e-eyes, a-and-" she fisted Orazio's shirt and wiped her tears and snot with it.

Orazio wanted to kill her. He was going to kill her! He would put her name in his death note, and come for her the day she turned 16, and put her to eternal sleep.

"-he beat me!" Jessica broke down. She was a mess, and honestly, Orazio didn't want to deal with her when he's got more pressing matters at hand, like which laundry was closest to his house.

"But Mr. Moretti said-" Orazio's heart almost stopped when  he realised what the boy was going to say. He didn't waste time, and whipped into action. He put his hand over the boy's mouth, and said, "That's no good, Fabio," he slowly put his hand away. "You shouldn't treat girls like that."

"My name is Enzo," the boy corrected him.

Orazio went on, ignoring him. "You should treat everyone kindly, or you'll be disliked."

"But you-"

"Shh." Orazio put a finger to the boy's lips, "You should apologise to Jessica." Damn, stop talking already! Orazio was running out of all the you-shoulds. If Enzo didn't shut up, he didn't know what else to say.

"Come," he took his hand and pulled him towards Jessica who seemed to have calmed down a little. "Tell her you're sorry, and that you won't do it again." His tone was gentle and patient. 

Enzo reluctantly apologised to her, and that was when Orazio stopped caring. He went back to Gabe's side. Gabriel was grinning. Orazio had earned some points with that act, so his clothes hadn't been dirtied pointlessly.

"You've got it tough, Mr. Moretti."

"And whose fault is it? If you just submitted to me, I wouldn't have to go through this." Someone has to teach them how to become good people." 

"You would make a good father," Gabe told him with a warm smile.

"I'm glad to hear that," he moved his face closer and lowered his voice, "because I want to be the father of your child."


After his son had gone to sleep, Gabe locked himself in his room, and went to visit a porn site. He occasionally watched porn, but after meeting Orazio, he was constantly thinking about him and what it would have been if he hadn't pushed Orazio away when he had wanted to make love to him.

He had been pleasantly surprised to find Orazio working as a teacher his son's kindergarten. He had wanted to call him, but hadn't mustered enough courage to do so. Orazio was still as hot and virile as he remembered. The sinewy man bled testosterone. His muscles had flexed when he had bent down to be level with the kids.

Gabe went through some porn sites, but eventually ended up on a gay site. He was alone, yet felt self-conscious as he scrolled down. What caught his eye was a video titled 'Cop takes a monster c*ck in his ass'. He gulped, and clicked on the video, praying he wouldn't go to Hell.

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