Chapter 5

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Gabe was in a pinch. He didn't know how to tell Orazio that he didn't want to watch the porn with him. He might watch it by himself later when his all to sexually arousing guest had left, but watch it with a man he had crush on? No freaking way. He had no intention of embarrassing himself in front of him on their first date by getting hard.

As expected from the film, there was little plot if any at all. There was not much time before the actors started undressing, and Gabe was practically counting seconds before the film got to the point where it would be inappropriate for children, and he could sink into an even deeper trouble than he had already found himself in the moment he had complied with his guest's wishes, and gone to his bedroom without any protest.

His heart was beating so hard he thought it would burst in his chest, and if not for the voices coming out of the TV, he would have bet that Orazio could hear his heartbeat because he certainly could. It was loud in his ears, and all other noises were muted compared to the beating of his heart. He was afraid he would hyperventilate if he didn't put stop to this.

Determined to stop the madness, his hand struck out to grab the remote control. What he hadn't expected was that he would accidentally grab something softer and hotter. Even without looking, Gabe knew what he had grabbed, but wished it wasn't that. He stole a peek at the thing underneath his hand.

Yup. It was Orazio's stiffy all right. He whipped his hand back, and turned crimson in an instant from mortification. The evening couldn't get any worse. He had made a complete fool out of himself.

"Sorry," he apologised before Orazio could say anything, which would make the situation even more humiliating. "I was going for the remote control," he explained, hoping Orazio would believe him.

The way Orazio was grinning like a Cheshire cat told him he didn't.

"Of course," he said with a tone that said 'I know exactly what you were going for.' Besides, he didn't hand Gabe the remote control.

Gabe averted his eyes, too embarrassed to look Orazio in the eye. He belatedly recollected the feeling he had had while his hand was on Orazio's crotch, and realised the other man was aroused, which in turn turned him on. Another ten minutes into the film, and Gabe could feel the rising heat in the room.

Orazio was surprisingly calm for someone sporting a boner. He seemed to be perfectly fine with watching porn with a cop except he wasn't. Every single time he looked in Gabe's direction, he saw the uniform, and it made him want to explode. He hated cops and the fact that he was in the house of one didn't sit well with him, but his lower part didn't seem to agree.

It had no problem coping with the fact that it wanted to enter a bloody cop. If it was up to Orazio, he would never put his family jewels anywhere near the fuzz. Messing with the them was never a good idea especially if one was a wanted man like Orazio. It would be looking for trouble. Contrary to what people may think, mafiosi don't get involved with the police. If they do, and the information leaks out, it would bring shame to the family.

It was bad enough that he had spent one night under the a cop's roof, but he had to return, too. And his little Orazio was standing at attention, ready to plunder. If his boss caught wind of this, he would eviscerate him.

Or maybe not.

After he had met the hitman*, he had grown softer. Well, Orazio didn't care. Whatever was between those two, it was none of his business. At least Dante wasn't so moody anymore, and Orazio was no longer on the receiving end of his temper.

He didn't let any of his inner struggle or emotion show on his face. The only thing belying his cold calmness was the raging hard-on in his trousers. He sighed inwardly. Why did the beautiful man have to be a cop? It would be easier if he were a librarian or a bricklayer, but things rarely went the way one wanted them to.

He laid his hand on Gabe's thigh, and waited whether he would swat it away. When he didn't, Orazio felt encouraged, and moved slowly upwards to his crotch where he absently fondled the growing bulge as if it were the most natural thing to do.

Gabe was trying his best not to move his hips. It felt so good that he let him caress him. It had been way too long since anyone had touched him like this, and he couldn't bring himself to pull away. 

After a couple of minutes, though, he realised that he should have put up a fight because Orazio leaned over, and kissed him. The second their lips locked, he lost his resolution, and returned the kiss.

He unwittingly ran his hands over Orazio's chest. Their tongue twirled, and probed. Orazio scraped Gabe's lips with his teeth, and gently nibbled.

"We have to stop," Gabe gasped between the kisses.

"No, we don't." Orazio pulled Gabe's shirt from his trousers, and slid his hand under it and up to his nipples.

The contact brought Gabe back to his senses, and he pushed Orazio away.

"I'm not looking for a one-night stand," he said. What he was looking for was a long-term relationship, not a guy for one night.

"Who said anything about one night?" Orazio asked, chuckling. It would be a shame to make it just a one-night stand.

"I'm not looking for a sex friend, either."

That's what Orazio had figured. A serious man with a child could only be looking for a stable partner, and Orazio didn't really mind keeping Gabe around for a while. At least he didn't have to look for new guys anytime soon, and he also didn't have to worry about diseases.

"You're wrong, Gabriel, that's not why I'm here tonight," he lied. "I'm honestly interested in you, and want to get to know you better." That wasn't completely a lie. He wanted to get to know him better in bed. It was wiser to omit that part, though.

"I'm glad we feel the same. That's why, let's not rush things."

"If that's what you want," Orazio said, but inside, he was livid. He hadn't gone out of his way to meet with him to be rejected. He wanted to push the other man down, and take him on the spot, but he had to keep in mind that Gabe was a fúcking cop. And there were things one didn't do to a cop. For instance, ravishing him. That would only land him behind bars, and he definitely didn't want to worry about dropping soap in the showers for the rest of his life.

He would have to find a different way to make Gabe his.

"Can I borrow your laptop?"


*reference to Hitman in Love

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