Chapter 18

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Orazio's stomach was in knots as he spoke with the maitresse in a brothel that belonged to the Serraino-DiGiovine over the phone. It was the third brothel Gabe had visited today, and it definitely wasn't the last.

Orazio didn't know where Gabe had got the list, but that wasn't important anymore. Gabe had the list of their brothels and was now visiting them one by one. In each of them, he gave the maitresses the same questions about the Serraino-DiGiovine's family.

When Orazio called the maitresses, they told him what they'd told Gabe, but from the nervousity he sensed in their tone, he wasn't sure if they were telling the truth. It was partly because they all said they hadn't revealed anything, which he doubted.

But he didn't have time to get the truth out of them. For each of them, he had only the time between the visits, and that wasn't much.

There were four more brothels Gabe visited, but Orazio couldn't follow him to all of them. He'd taken a day off school, however, he'd promised Gabe he'd pick up and look after his son.

From what he'd discovered, Gabe didn't know much about the famiglia, and he didn't know anything about him. At least that's what he'd been told by the maitresses.

After Orazio picked Seby up from school, he cooked for both of them, and then left Seby to play by himself while he changed the memory cards in the cameras.

For the rest of the evening, Orazio and Seby watched the television. They didn't talk much, just silently watched whatever was being aired with a bowl of popcorn in their lap.

A warm feeling washed over Gabe when he saw Orazio with his son. He was glad that Seby had accepted Orazio.

He hadn't been sure how Seby would take it despite his liking Orazio. Liking his teacher was different from living with him, after all.

It shouldn't have surprised him how well Orazio handled his son. He was charismatic, kind, and he loved children - a great father model.

"I'm home." Gabe gave his son a kiss on his head, and although he was tempted to kiss Orazio too, he had to hold back.

Tired, Gabe went to his bedroom, and shed his uniform. It'd been a long day. Gabe had visited a lifetime's worth of brothels.

Considering that houses of ill repute were illegal, there were way too many of them located in a relatively small area. And they all belonged to one group.

He couldn't believe the police hadn't done anything so far. To overlook one or two brothels was normal, but there was no way they didn't know about that many.

There was always someone who'd give the police a tip about such places. It was no different in these cases, Gabe bet. What was different, though, was the owner.

Just seeing his cute son and Orazio gave him energy and motivation. He'd make sure to protect his dear ones, and clear the streets from the bad guys, so people wouldn't fear for their life every time they went out.

"How was your day?" Orazio asked Gabe during dinner.

"It was both physically and mentally exhausting. I visited seven different places today and talked to women with too much make-up to hide their wrinkles."

Orazio already knew about that. He'd hoped that Gabe would tell him something new, but he didn't. It was maddening how disciplined Gabe was.

The following day, Orazio wanted to take another day off, but he'd been told by the principal that other teachers might find it weird, for not one of them had taken a break so soon after they'd started working there.

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