The Hunt

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Karlie holds the cloth to her forehead and exhales quietly. Her skin begins to lose its reddish tone and she becomes noticeably cooler. Taylor attempts to brush her fingers against her hand and smiles when she finds that it is now completely stone cold.

"All better?"

Karlie nods "Better"

Taylor blows Karlie a kiss and then lies back on the silky sheets "You scared me this morning. I thought I'd managed to somehow sleep through you getting kidnapped by hunters, or something" The girl nervously laughs to herself.

"I was fine. Well, not completely. But you know what I mean" Karlie idly strokes a finger down one of her new fangs. Taylor watches her from below. Her new teeth are much longer and thinner than her baby fangs were. Probably a lot sharper too - the slightest touch those fangs make on anything would slice through it like wire on butter. Taylor audibly gulps at the thought.

"Am I scaring you?", Karlie asks with a cheeky grin. Her fangs flash against the light of her chandelier.

"No! I'm not scared", Taylor says, her stammering tone failing to confirm her statement.

Karlie chuckles, devilishly, and lies down beside Taylor on the bed "You know I'd never do anything to hurt you" she says, her voice hushed.

"I do know", Taylor whispers, keeping her big blue eyes on Karlie's emerald ones. "I'm just... still adjusting is all. Part of me doesn't believe that all of this is actually happening"

"Wanna touch my fangs to prove it?", Karlie smirks with a lowered gaze. She opens her mouth slightly and curls her tongue around one of her elongated canines - licking it slowly and suggestively.

Taylor shakes her head and smiles. Karlie mocks offence "Are you afraid I'll bite you?", she asks, acting utterly horrified.

"I'm afraid I'll accidentally knock these ones out too", Taylor says teasingly. "We wouldn't want that after what you've just been through"

Karlie then opens her mouth wider, showing off her new teeth in all their glory. She hisses softly, a noise that sends an unsettling chill through Taylor's system. But at the same time it makes her feel emotions she probably shouldn't be feeling...

"Adult fangs grow back"

Taylor throws her an uncertain glance to which Karlie nods at and edges her mouth closer "Come on, just a little touch"

Taylor smiles, nervously. She timidly reaches up and brings her index finger to Karlie's lips - tracing the bottom curve of her mouth before eventually trailing back up and stroking down one of her long fangs. The girl becomes almost lost in this part of Karlie's anatomy. Everything about it is so precise and deadly; her teeth, her stare, the structure of her face. If she looks very closely at Karlie's fangs she can just about notice the faint veins in which venom would either be injected or blood would be sucked through.

"Careful, don't touch the point", Karlie warns calmly. She gently takes away Taylor's lingering finger and squeezes at her hand. A pulse of warmth emanates from her skin, causing Taylor to reluctantly draw away

"You're over heating again already", she sighs.

"I can't help it", Karlie says, slightly whining. "And your face isn't helping"

Taylor blushes and brings two hands over her cheeks, giggling softly. She then decides to sit up and rest her head on Karlie's shoulder. They sit like this in silence for a few tender moments. The only sound in the room being the girls quiet breathing.

"Is everyone okay?... No one was taken last night?", Taylor finally asks.

Karlie drapes her arms around Taylor's shoulders and sighs "No one from my kingdom... But we're starting to train harder"

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