The Escape

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AN Hope your Halloweens were safe!

Steam wafts from two China teacups in the grand living room. The fireplace crackles, welcomingly. Karlie had insisted on lighting it and putting it out before Desmond's return. The girls have taken to the couches with their bowls of porridge. Karlie is spooning at hers rather questionably.

"Just try some!" Taylor insists, almost finished her own bowl.

"It looks weird" Karlie murmurs.

"Ah, you're such a child. It's just oats and milk"

"It looks like somebody forgot how to make soup and just kept trying to make it"

Taylor nearly chokes on her spoon and places her bowl on the table before taking her cup of tea. She snuggles into her space on the couch and warms her hands on the cup whilst she drinks. She grins, knowingly - enjoying the presence of Karlie. Taylor watches the vampire nibble at the porridge on her spoon like a wary infant with a new food. Her smile grows larger and larger, unbeknownst to her. However, Karlie notices Taylor's shameless happiness and sets her bowl aside.

"I'm cold", she states.

Taylor finishes her latest sip and then carefully puts her teacup out of the way
"Is that so?'

"Mm" Karlie nods and shuffles closer.

Taylor opens her arms and Karlie's eyes light up. She even makes a small squeaking noise as she wiggles her way into Taylor's embrace. Her arms wrap themselves around Taylor's body and her head is nestled in the crook of Taylor's neck. They simultaneously breathe a sigh of contentment and chuckle together when it happens. Taylor idly runs her fingers through Karlie's short blonde hair and chews on her lip in thought

"So, why'd to decide to cut yours?"

Karlie shuffles in her place before she answers "I guess I just wanted a change. Moving to The Moors was so... different. And weird. I wanted to adapt so... off it came"

"And the colour? Last I saw you it was slightly more brunette"

The vampire giggles, lightly "It'll look like that again the closer we get to spring. My hair is like, for example, a wolfs coat. It changes with the seasons. This blonde colour is my winter coat. So I blend in with the snowy mountain regions... which I no longer live in. I wonder how the castle is doing"

"We could visit if you like, I'd have to problem"

"Maybe later. Anyway, what about your hair? Why is yours short"

Taylor hugs Karlie a little closer and tenses up as she does "I... wanted to be noticed"

"By who?"

"By... By him" Taylor says, hardly able to even say her own husband's name.

"Why is that?" Karlie questions, noticeably wary about asking.

Taylor wearily sighs and begins "When I was young I was very naive. I thought that if I changed my appearance then maybe he would love me a little more. But, quite obviously, that did not happen. And not a day has gone by where I have enjoyed his presence at even the slightest"

"He's a cruel dog of a man" Karlie grumbles, becoming progressively angrier on the subject. "I'd like to drain his veins of every last drop. So he'd be nothing more but a dry, fleshy carcass -"

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